Tony Payne from the Alliance for Maine's Future was on The FOX Morning News this morning to talk about Maine's economy and what we the people can do to turn the state's tanking economy around. Ray says we've got to act. We've got to force our legislators to make difficult decisions, make difficult cuts, and start leading.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
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keep up the good work are the voice of the silent majority who hopefully someday will become very noisey....
Can't get much noisier than Ray.
I saw him almost start frothing at the mouth when he was talking about his personal issue with the tax dept of Maine.
Thank goodness Ted was there to calm him down.
"The Silent Majority".. In a democracy, silence gets you nowhere. So speak up to the vocal right or left whenever you can. Don't let someone else do it for you
Ted didn't calm me down, I did it myself.
Yes, I got angry when a state employee called my show and openly lied on the air. Typical of the union crowd.
The question is, since you have mentioned my anger over Maine Revenue twice here, why do you take such delight that our government has taken money from a fellow citizen that it was not entitled to?
Or are you one of these guys who basically does not care about others and only worries when it affects him or his family?
Love me or hate me Bruce ... I am consistent.
The things I worry about, I worry about them for my family and for every other citizen in this state.
Tell me, why are you so supportive of the status quo in Maine? Do you really believe that the citizens of Maine are moving forward economically? Do you really believe the citizens of Farmington and that region are prosperous financially?
IF you do, you need to spend more time talking with your neighbors because they email me every day asking if things can really change/
Why are they asking you? That is the big question. One of the big problems in our country is that people believe the rhetoric handed down from the tv and radio pundits like yourself instead of doing their own research.
I am not supportive of the staus quo. I want the legislature to do more not less, and if it means raising taxes so be it.
I do care about others. You are the one who rants and raves about our legislature and condemns categories of people like someone who is in a union.
Watching you get mad on the show just showed how much this boils down to your personal grudge against the revenue service for what you say was wrongful taking of your money.
bruce...i do the you believe all the stats...or just some of them...i use this term all the time...facts and figures...facts are stubborn like 2 and 2 is 4 and cannot be anymore...figures don't lie but liars can can only take a common sense approach...that's the problem..common sense is completely absent from government...and ray has every right to mad about the maine revenue thugs..they impose taxes on tax exempt monies all the time...and people pay in fear of those thugs...such as us savings bond are not taxable by the state..but you get billed from them...personal experience..4 years in a row...democrats are brilliant in taking advantage of voter to change the voting birth certificate with 3 years 1040s before you can register to vote..yes this means you had to have worked 3 years before you can vote and this means "EVERYONE" regardless of your situation..before you can take have to give.....
Interesting idea only working people can vote. I guess you would exclude all the people who made it the old fashioned way and do not work because they inherited it all. I suppose managing one's inherited assets could be called work. You probably mean only people who pat taxes should be allowed to vote don't you?
We could go back to only property owners being allowed to vote also.
How progressive.
you have a point bruce...last i knew has to claim interest gains...i still believe all are placed on a see bruce...there is not much the commrades have missed in taxing...and remember what i said...before you can take out you have to give...actually taxes are a penality...and absolutely the working public should be the only ones that vote..there are many reasons why some can't work or stopped working..but the one's that have worked realize what taxes are...and the "TRUELY" can't work already qualify for benefits..just curious...have you ever been in the service...self-employed...have employees..severly injured..married..divorced..have a family..own property..have your family's home and farm be sold because you're taxed into submission..gone to college on your own with no's amazing people that have command of the english language...that speak well...write well...and portray themselves to know all..with absolutely no life experiences...yet feel confident enough to explain how it must feel to lose a child when they've never had children...simply amazing....
It is not a personal grudge against Maine Revenue that drives me. This only happened last fall. I have been writing about these things in a weekly column since 1998, on part-time radio starting 2002 and full-time for about four years.
In all that time, I have talked about the same things.
What I don't understand about folks who think the way you do (I am surmising based on your comments) why do you believe it is okay for the few to support the many?
Why should an able-bodied, able-minded single person without children be allowed to get government assistance for health care, a living allowance and food stamps. They can work two jobs, just like so many "responsible" Maine citizens do to get by.
Enabling them to live off government when they are capable of not doing so, places an added burden on resources and leads to the situation we are currently in.
I guess I just do not understand why folks like yourself are not willing to ask hard questions, dig deeper and recognize that we have set up a bureacracy that is un-sustainable and is leading to the undermining of the truly needy by creating more of the impoverished.
I want a government that is efficient. I want a government that understands that it is there to serve the people, not perpetuate itself.
I want a government that serves the truly needy, those who are incapable of taking care of themselves, but does not enable or encourage those who are capable to take the easy way out.
I want a government that does not seek to impose social indoctrination at the cost to the taxpayer.
It is clear to me that we want different things from our government. I want it to help the truly needy, plow and fix the roads, prosecute the bad guys and leave the rest of us alone.
I am no longer mad at Maine Revenue. They stole the money and there is nothing I can do about it except sue them and the cost for that is greater than what they took.
I have accepted my fate and moved on.
How about this. We, Americans reduce our use of oil to get prices down and our government penalizes us by raising the price through taxes
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