Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Morning Show 01/28/09

Ray returns to audioblogging, as he tries to find the right balance as he comments on the new president and current events.

Today on the show, Auburn Mayor John Jenkins to talk about a variety of topics, including his trip to the inauguaration of Barack Obama.

FOX News' Rich Johnson called in today to talk about Barack Obama's schedule this week, as he deals with Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as domestic issues.

Ray has lots to say about his guests and the Maine legislature in Augusta as he gets back into the audioblog. Give a listen.


Les Gibson said...

I can certainly support what State Rep Thomas was saying about this ridiculous E10 gas blend. As we got more into winter I noticed my 2005 Dodge Dakota had lost 5 miles per gallon in efficiency. It drove me crazy trying to figure out why, until I learned it was because of the ethanol gas blend. Thank you, environmentalist whackos!

Les Gibson said...

Also, the more I look into and study the so-called economic stimulus plan, the more I am convinced that it will do absolutely nothing to start our economic recovery. Not only will none of this money begin to appear anywhere until 18 to 24 months from now, it will do nothing to create the 2 million jobs that President Obama has promised, and the Democrats pledge to have this massive debt payed-off by 2020 is another example of their total detachment from reality.

Stimulus plan? absolutely not! Big SPENDING plan? absolutely is. My freinds, the march to socialism and the economic destruction of our country is in full force.

Bruce said...

Les we agree on something. Using food to burn in our cars is a ridiculous waste.

On other things, when you talk about being detached from reality.
That is what we just got away from with W and his crowd.

Still collecting?

Bruce said...

This is from the AAmerican petroleum Institute which is no fan of Ethanol.
"Fuel Economy: The heating value of neat ethanol is two thirds of that for typical gasoline. For gasoline blends containing 10% by volume ethanol, the heating value is about 3.4 percent lower than for a typical gasoline. (1) This difference in heat content is reflected in a small loss in fuel economy performance for vehicles operated on gasoline-ethanol blends. Based on measurements made by the Auto/Oil Air Quality Improvement Research Program, the fuel economy loss for a fleet of model year 1989 vehicles operated on gasoline containing 10% by volume ethanol was 2.6% (53). Recent data published by the Coordinating Research Council on a fleet of 12 California-certified model year 2001-2003 cars and light trucks suggests that the fuel economy penalty for 10% by volume ethanol blend is on the order 1.4%. (45)"

In order for a 10% blend of Etanol to cause you to lose 5 mpg, you would have to have a 100mpg vehicle

Do the math

Conservatives usually do not like to look for facts from any sources except ones that confirm their own ideas.

Les Gibson said...

Wow, Bruce, thanks for making me aware of the fact that my 5 mile per gallon loss in fuel economy is a figment of my imagination. Can't imagine how I'll be able to get by without your brillant observations. Nah, on second thought I'll be able to get by just fine.
I really don't give a rat's you-know-what about the statistics you like throwing around in an attempt to prove your point. The only proof I need is the REALITY of what it costs me to run this E10 crap in my truck.
Glad you don't have to worry about such things in your perfect world.

Oh, by the way, thanks for yet another childish cheap shot at President Bush. It means nothing, but, at least, you're consistent.

Bruce said...

Gee Les do since you mention this winter, do you think it could be cold weather affecting your mileage, or does you conservative side just want to blame the e10 and the environmentalists. It's typical conservative logic not caring about statistics or facts that are contrary to their preconceived notions

What I like about the e10 is that it will help us get rid of the 2 cucle snowmobiles.

But as i said I do not like the idea of burning food.

Nice pic