Thursday, February 5, 2009

Give Ray a Break, Mr. President

President Obama said today that failure to act on his stimulus package could pluge the nation into an irreversible recession. Ray says: Give me a break!

Listen in:


Bruce said...

That was wierd. Aside from repeating yourself from your earlier audio, did you really mean to say that 160 years ago we were the greatest country because of the conditions then that you mentioned regarding our president?
If we were as great as you say, our founding fathers would have resolved the issue of slavery instead of letting it fester for a hundred years.

What is your obsession with being the greatest country evah ! We don't have to be the greatest. You don't have to be the greatest. We all just have to be good.

As for the 30's .. A lot of the New Deal money went to building infrastructure mistah historian. You know, the things you and I want this stimulus plan to do.
My father spent 2 years in Evans Notch building route 113 in the CCC. He said it saved his life and gave him the work ethic to go on and later start his own plumbing company. Read David Draves book "Builder of Men" for a little insight.

Now wipe the spit off your mike and calm down.

Ray Richardson said...


As usual, you failed to understand my point.

I was speaking of the progress we had made as people from 160 years ago. I have spoken about this often that Fredrick Douglass was the first black man to walk through the front doors of the White House as an invited guest and the furor that Lincoln created when he did this.

Now, we have a black man living in the White House. I would say we have made enormous progress as the greatest nation the world has ever known would obviously progress to.

I am against the spendulous package because, A) it is short term in nature and will not create lasting employement, and B) it is laced with pork-barrell spending designed to create political paybacks instead of "stimulating the economy."

If this money was put into infrastructure, then you could at least make a case that this spending accomplished something of value that is lasting.

The current proposal (as of 10:00am this morning) did not do this but was rather a laundry list of political paybacks.

Hey, he won and if that is what he wants to do, then just be honest about it and say so.

As far as his comments this morning, Barack Obama is not God, nor is he the savior. Whether he thinks he is or not does not matter.

Whether we pass his plan or it fails completely, America will recover. For him to suggest otherwise is not only arrogant, it is hurtful to the efforts underway to revive our economy.

Hope and change ... it is a joke.

He needs to go back and re-read his Grant Park speech a few times.

That was a man people could believe in.

I still cannot get over him saying that if we do not pass his plan now, we may never recover from this mess.

What a joke.

Harry said...

Bruce is wrong. America DOES have to be the greatest in the world. although many of our "allies" would love to see us fail, what will they do if that happens. They're incapable of defending themselves. They couldn't do it against the Bosch...they couldn't do it against the Nazis and they sure as hell can't do it against the Islamic terrorists. America is the greatest social experiment in the history of mankind and people like Bruce who seem to want to minimize it do so while sitting in the Constitutional comfort of their living rooms. America doesn't have to be the is the obsession...just fact.

Les Gibson said...

Sorry to dog-pile on you, Bruce, but we ARE the greatest country in the world and WE DO need to continue to be the greatest country in the world.

Ray, you are right on the mark to point out the great progess this country has made in the last 160 years, and President Obama is living proof of that.

But, now the ingnorance is on the other foot. Just this week on this blog I was asked of I "wore a white sheet at night" because I'm not in lock step with President Obama's march to socialism.

It would seem the Hopey-Changey bunch is not to tolerant.

The spendulous bill, in its present form, will be a disaster for this country, our children and our grandchildren. It will take that long for any of it to be payed off.

Yes, Mr. President, give us a break. You need to demonstrate more faith than that in the American people.

But, then again, the socialist believes in the power of government, not the power of the people.

Bruce said...

Les, you didn't here that from me.
Even though you call me names occasionally.
Can you give me the criteria you are using as to what makes us the "greatest country".

I believe we are a good country with good and bad people like most countries.
But this obsession the right has with being the greatest is wierd to say the least.
I don't have to be the greatest to be proud of America as long as we strive to be goodand do good.
We have made many mistakes along the way Cuba just to name 1.

Bruce said...

Harry I expected that kind of diatribe when I posted.

Define greatest for me.

Is it having the lowest infant mortality rate in the world?
Is it giving the highest percentage of our GDP in aid to developing countries?
Think not

Is it supporting dictators in the 50,60, 70 decades just because of our fear of Communism?

Is it allowing some states to ban interracial marriages as late as 1967

Is it locking people up without charging them with anything for years , just because we are afraid?

Is it sending our citizens to Singapore for surgeries to save insurance companies money?

Liberals love this country as much or more than you do. We just do not believe in the infallibility of it like you. We admit that we have not achieved perfection.

You said it. It is an experiment and in the scheme of the history of the world, we have only been experimenting for a short time.