Thursday, December 6, 2007

Thoughts on a tragedy

Ray reflects on the Omaha mall shooting.


Dan H. said...

I agree with your thoughts about how important it is to have a strong home life to instill the values in the youth of this country. I can't thank my parents enough for what they did in bringing me up the wy they did. The one thing I have to disagree with is the fact that you are calling him a boy. Isn't that part of the problem? Our sociaety are calling 20 year old men boys. I am only 29 but I can remember being told at 13 that I wasn't a child any more, I was becoming a younge adult. I was expected to startacting more mature, even if not all at once. Part of the problem is that we are allowing younge adults and adults from 13 to 30 to act as though they are still children. Why should we be surprised when they fulfill our expectations?

Thank you for talking about these things and keep up your good work!


the12kill said...

charge his parents with murder at least his he was a sick young man and come on if you cant count on mom and pops who can ucount on