Thursday, January 24, 2008

Ray is disappointed in our legislature (again)

Ray is outraged that the Legislative Council kills a bill that would require parental consent before a Maine school could provide prescription birth control to children 14 or younger. This bill was in response to last year's King Middle School birth control bill controversy.


Mike Hein said...


I agree. We said as much this afternoon.

See the story at

Mike Hein

Gloria Blier said...

Ray, I thoroughly agree with your commentary. Our so-called legislators should be ashamed for their (non) actions. Our kids are being exploited in every way and now this. I wonder how they will feel when their granddaughter one day finds herself in a position of being pregnant? No birth control is foolproof. There's nothing like telling all predators that they are protected by law, as the young kids they bring down to their level don't have to or are too ashamed to talk to their parents. I am so disgusted with those in Augusta for letting every child down this way.

Gloria Blier

Les Gibson said...

Ray, I too am outraged by the cowardly display by the so-called leadership of the Legislature on this issue. I fully agree that this deserves full attention on the Senate floor. Madame Edmonds, in displaying her elitist mindset, has once again shown just how out of touch with the people of Maine she and her ilk are. The people have clearly shown their support for this bill and we need to hold those who consistently ignore our will accountable. Hell will freeze over before I allow some San Francisco-style liberal to usurp my parental rights and authority over my duaghter. Madame Edmonds reasons for refusing to consider this bill are just plain dumb. Saying the Legislature doesn't have time for such a "complex" issue and that their "plates are full" is a cop-out. When you look at some of the meaningless bills that they had all the time in the world to consider it makes you want to scream! I would say this to Madame Edmonds: you don't know better than us, our children's parents what's best for them. We do, plain and simple. And also this, your "What we remember from 30 years ago" remark was equally way off base. What we, the people, remember from 30 years ago is that we would have voted fools like you out of office in a heartbeat! Us little people aren't as dumb as you think we are.

Bruce said...

Since the conservative view is less govt.. Why does Ray want the state to get involved with Portland's decisions regarding its students. Portland has their own elected officials which are supposed to reflect the views of the people who voted for them.
Ray does not live in Portland so he does not have anything to worry about.

Ray Richardson said...


I completely disagree with your comments about this being a Portland issue.

One, our tax dollars are pooled in Augusta and then sent back out to the various communities as "General Purpose Aide."

That means my tax dollars along with your and every other tax-paying citizen of Maine has paid taxes that supports what Portland has done.

That is a minor point in a larger issue.

The bigger issue is, incrementalism.

Second, several school board members in five different communities said they would wait to see the outcome in Portland, but if it survived, they would adopt the same approach for their school system.

Third, why would anyone be against a parent knowing that their minor child is receiving medication? In the case of King Middle School, girls as young as 11 years old could recieve a prescription drug without parental notification. Yes, the parent gives general consent for the child to use the clinic, but that does not mean they are giving up their right-to-know just so their child may recieve medical assistance of a general nature.

If a parent does not want their child to recieve medication without their knowledge, this policy should be troubling.

If a parent does not care that their child is receiving medication without their knowledge, they should have no problem with a parental notification policy.

In other words, if a parent requires notification, they get it. If a parent does not care, then recieving notification and giving consent is no big deal, just say yes.

Your comment about limited government is amusing.

No rationale person can believe giving out birth control pills to minor children is a method of limited government.

I am all for limited government, but I never said I was against having any government.

I certainly expect the "government" to punish a murderer.

I certainly expect our government's military to protect our nation.

Parental consent is ALL about limited government. It limits the government's ability to do whatever they want with our children without our consent.

Limited government would be the government not giving out the drugs at all.

Les Gibson said...

Again, well said Ray. I certainly haven't authorized the state to use my tax dollars for this purpose. I also take exception to Bruce's comment concerning residency. As you stated, other communities are willing to go along with this nonsense and I am not in support of this policy one bit. If my duaghter's school in Topsham implements this policy you can bet I'll make a bee-line to the Principal's Office and the School Committee as well. The lunatics want to run the asylum and we need to get proper, real leadership back in control. This is not a "size of government" issue, this is a moral issue. I, for one, am tired of a hand full of elitists in this state who continue to flush my values and morals down the drain. It's way past time we stood up and put a stop to this.

Bruce said...

Gee Ray,
So you are saying that the state should not give money back to towns unless the state can dictate on how it is spent? Interesting.
And since Les brought up the "moral" word. Why are the moralists so insecure in their values that they think that some other kid getting birth control pills is going to destroy their family? We "elitists" are tired of them trying to force their values on all of us. school prayer being a biggie, and yes you guessed it, I am pro choice.

Les Gibson said...

Well, Bruce, since you brought it up, I, as a conservative, have never tried to force my beliefs or morals on anyone. We are all free to choose our own belief system, that's one of the great things about our country that I have fought to defend. Having said that, I do not have to blindly accept and agree with the path that the liberals running this state are trying to force upon me. Why do I care what the Portland schools do? After all, my duaghter attends school in Topsham. I care because if this dangerous precedent is allowed to stand the elitists in Augusta will see to it that it expands across the state. I do not want and will not allow my duaghter's school to teach morality (or lack thereof) to her. That is my job and responsibility. You should be concerned to, but you will blindly go down that path becuase you've bought into the notion that liberal government obviously knows better than you what is good for you and your family. By the way, I don't know what bearing you being pro-choice has on this issue, unless you think an 11 year old girl being given birth control pills by her school is somehow going to do her a lot of good. It just SENDS THE WRONG MESSAGE! In closing I would just like to pass this information along. The Bangor Daily News conducted a poll on this issue. Out of 600 people polled, almost 90% were in favor of parental notification. Enough said.