With all the interest in the presidential primaries, Ray reminds Mainers how important it is to keep our focus on the statehouse in Augusta. We can't afford to allow the Maine legislature to raise taxes and fees.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
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Today's article in the Bangor Daily News detailing Rep. Mike Michaud's quest to impeach Vice-President Cheney was infuriating. I'm still trying to decide which I'm upset about the most, the fact that Mr. Michuad would stoop to this type of cheap MoveOn.Org style attack or that the reasons he cited in his letter to John Conyers was filled with total inaccuracies. Every one of the reasons Mr. Michaud cited in his letter have been dis-proven or debunked. Mr. Michaud, I would be more than happy to go over each of the reasons you cited and present you with the facts, since you seem incapable of doing your own research. You are in the process of causing yourself a great deal of embarrassment, at the expense of the people of Maine. I would recommend that you jump off the MoveOn.Org Bush/Cheney Hate Mobile as quickly as you jumped on. The people of Maine did not elect you to pursue such fool's errands.
Well said, Ray. We all need to exercise due diligence and keep a close eye on the Maine Legislature. With the huge budget deficit that Maine faces, I can't see how solid Gov. Baldacci's promise not to raise taxes is, or will it ring hollow and once again the people of Maine will be turning their pockets inside-out to pay more to the state. With heating oil prices rapidly approaching $4.00 a gallon, how much more can we afford? We may soon see another exodus of people leaving Maine as it is getting to expensive to live here. I know my wife and I have discussed it. The elected officials in Augusta need to get their act together, or we the voters need to show them the door.
I am trying to figure out how this is working. This morning about compture laptops and was wondering how many of us have older computers that are still working that could be donated because we have a new one? Corry
I guess I should have used spell check! Corry
I elected him to check W and help keep him and his cronies from ruining this country anymore than they allready have
And 15,000 Mainers signed the petition so I guess someone wanted him to pursue it. Just not you and Ray
W and Cheney should be impeached and removed. It is not a fool's errand. The reason's were only "debunked" by the right.
MoveOn.org is a great organization.
Someone has to stand up and tell the truth to combat the radical right groups like the Swift Boaters
Go for it Mike.
I fully support Mike Michaud going for impeachment. I urged Tom Allen on the air to do so.
Of course they will not. Why? Because Bush and Cheney would never be convicted and removed from office and they know it.
By talking about impeachment, but not actually having the courage to do it, they can keep it alive in the media.
More pure politics, but very little principle.
If they truly believe George W Bush and Dick Cheney are guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors, then principle demands that they file impeachment charges.
Anything less is nothing more than poltical mud-slinging.
All I can say is keep your eye on the dream, because that's all it is, a dream. I fully support your right to dissent but this move to impeachment is a fantasy. Facts are facts and no claim to a vast right-wing conspiracy can change that. What saddens me most about this kind of behavior is that so many people keep themselves ignorant of the facts because it doesn't suit their purpose. Mr. Michaud, yourself and the other 15,000 Mainers you say support impeachment will be waiting a very long time for this to happen. The bottom line is, President Bush and Vice-President Cheney are guilty of no crimes and your wishful thinking to the contrary will not affect the facts. Move-On.org a great organization? Really? I can't help but wonder what good could be done for the country and the world if all the millions of dollars that are being wasted on that Bush-bashing machine were applied to more productive endeavors. Boggles the mind.
Everyone has to have dreams.
How soon you forget the 70 plus million the right wing pushed to spend investigating Clinton.
I'll use a bumper sticker slogan here
"When Clinton lied nobody died"
The right wing has manufactured their own truths about the W administration just to make themselves feel better about being hodwinked twice
Ray, You are right. It is just political media pandering by reps. Both sides do it.
But the 15,000 who signed the petition, are just looking for the answers that might come out if Congress did have the guts to start impeachment proceedings.
And I also believe "the great communicator" should have been impeached for Iran contra
Les, did you hear Ray say this morning that he was duped by W's charm and believed he was a "compassionate conservative"
See everyone has dreams here and there. At least Ray amits when he has been wrong about something. I admire that.
MoveOn.org has to exist to combat the groups like Family Research Council. Now there is a scary group
We all have our foundations that we believe in, you have yours, I have mine. I do have to comment on one thing you said, " when Clinton lied, nobody died". How soon we forget. Under his watch the first World Trade Center bombing occured. He made no response. An American housing compound in Saudi Arabia was bombed, again no response by President Clinton. The USS Cole was attacked, again no response by President Clinton. There were others but I think I made my point. All of these attacks resulted in the loss of American lives, and nothing was done. Another reminder of President Clinton's lack of proactive response to terrorism was the Sudan's effort to hand Osama Bin Landen over to US authorities which President Clinton refused.
The point here is this - name me a US President that hasn't made mistakes. You can't, no one can. No one, including you or George Soiros and all his millions will convice me that President Bush or Vice-President Cheney have commited any impeachable offenses.
You say the right wing has created it's own truth, I say think again. I don't blindly follow any doctrine, I study both sides of an issue and then decide what I feel is best for our country and for my family. What this country needs is more people who will take the time to find out the facts for themselves, instead of blindly following a George Soiros, Cindy Sheehan, Jane Fonda and even a Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, etc.
I've not been hoodwinked, I've been to Iraq, I've seen our enemy and if you think that the policy of Move-On.Org, Code Pink, Barak Obama or Hillary Clinton will keep us safe your are sorely mistaken. The threat we face is very, very real and we need a national leader who's not afraid to take the actions necessary to protect our country and way of life, even if those actions aren't popular.
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