Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Wednesday on the Morning Show

The day after this historic election, which didn't go exactly the way Ray would have wanted, Ray remains philosophical. He's not thrilled with the outcome, but he's thrilled with his fellow citizens, who turned out in record numbers to cast their vote.

Today on the Morning Show, State Rep. Scott Lansley and Raymond Selectman Joe Bruno stopped by to talk about the election results.

In addition, Maine House Leader Josh Tardy called in with his thoughts, and FOX News' Alastair Wanklyn called in with a reaction from Europe.

Also on the show, Matt Jacobson, president and CEO of Maine & Company, was in to talk about where the state of Maine goes from here as it tries to generate more jobs.

As always, callers' opinions were welcomed on the show, as people from all over the state called in to chew over the election results.

We want to get your opinions too. Listen to Ray's audio post below, in which he reflects on last night's election (and actually breaks into song!), then sound off in the comments section.


Les Gibson said...

I will stand up with you, Ray. This election requires us to fight even harder to protect the Constitution from those whom the majority have put into office who want to do great harm to it and to our freedoms.

We have to be even more vigilent to guard against the advancement of a socialist/marxist agenda which could make our country unrecognizable in four years.

We have to rise up and ensure that our military remains strong and fully equipped to defend our great nation from the enemies, both foreign and domestic, who seek its destruction.

We also have to continue to fight those in Augusta who continue to ignore the voice of the people in the arena of taxes and job creation for Maine.

So, Ray, count me and my family among those who will stand with you and work to return sanity to our elected officials.

Bruce said...

Ray since you like "facts" so much here is a good one
Piscataquis county was the ONLY county to go for the McCain Palin show.
I guess that rousing welcome in BGR did not do much for her and him.
There just are not enough "Joe sixpacks" in Maine
In order for the party you "love but do not like" to succeed they have got to get rid of the vocal in the minority social idealogues like yourself.
Palin showed us that.
Let's give a shoutout to AK, the only state to reelect a convicted felon to the Senate. Now there are some traditional values to be proud of.
I am hoping at least 3 SCOTUS members wil retire soon. We need some strict constructionist to enforce what the founding founders really meant. on article 2 especially.