Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thursday on the Morning Show

Tarren Bragdon of the Maine Heritage Policy Center was in the studio today to talk about the presidential election and local issues affecting Mainers. He talked about the disconnect between the fact that people tend to vote right-of-center on policies but left-of-center on politicians. Case in point would be the people's repeal of the beverage tax enacted by the legislature in the spring, but the re-election of the legislators who passed that tax.

Michael Dow of Dow Investment Group discussed the state of the economy, and offered advice on how to deal with investments in this volatile market.

Josh Gottheimer, a former speechwriter to President Clinton, called in to discuss the transition of power to President-Elect Barack Obama, and the process of choosing a new Cabinet.

Portland guitarist/singer Adam Kurtz was in the studio with bassist Keith Mann to chat with Ted about music and to perform two original songs.

In the audio post below, Ray talks about these guests, and gets fired up about the state of the Republican party. Give a listen, and then share your opinion in the comments section.


Bruce said...

No disconnect. They were just slapping the leg. hand on a very narrowily defined tax issue.
They then reaffirmed their faith in the democratic party as being the one that represents Mainers values (Not yours or Piscataquis county's)

Sort of like when you punish your kid for doing something you do not approve of but still letting them know you love them.
Did I mention the 4 million spent mostly by the beverage industry who are so concerned about keeping Maine people healthy. Just as concerned as they were about the bottle bill of years ago

Bruce said...

You always ask why? So i will ask

Why do you think Janet Mills would be a good AG. Please be specific an do it without mentioning anyone else. if you mention that you think she was a good D A please say why

Bruce said...

This exactly the kind of agressive guy Obama needs with him.

"After U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney asserted that he did not fall within the bounds of orders set for the executive branch, Emanuel called for cutting off the $4.8 million the Executive Branch provides for the Vice President's office. Cheney's office subsequently backed down from the claim"

And I especially like the "dead fish" story