Friday, January 16, 2009

Morning Show 01/16/09

Today, former Maine Republican Party Chairman and current Raymond Selectman Joe Bruno joined the show to talk about a wide range of topics, including the state budget and the recently proposed gay marriage bill.

Also, FOX News' Rich Johnson called in live from the White House to talk about preparations underway for President-Elect Barack Obama's inauguration ceremony.

Next week, inaugural week, there will be lots of coverage of the peaceful transfer of power, with call-in dispatches from many friends of the show. Be sure to tune in, and hear Ray's thoughts about today's show in the audio podcast below.


Les Gibson said...

So, next week, we have the pontification of Barak Obama to look forward to. I'm sorry to be so cynical, but I just can't, in good faith, get behind this guy. I don't agree with any of his stated policies, however few they are. I fear that he's going to make this country less safe and secure, citing his campaign promised to cut defense spending "to the bone." This man is nothing more than a cult of personality and his carisma suckered millions of Americans into drinking his Kool-Aid. His idea of change was to bring back the Clinton Administration (minus Bill)and we all know how much backbone they had. And to top it off, Obama's nominee for Secretary of the Treasury is a tax evader! I hope I'm wrong, but I just can't see how this country is going to be better off economically or have a stronger defense against Islamic extremeism after Obama's four year liberal love fest. As for me, I'm sticking to my conservative roots and my rallying cry is PALIN IN 2012!

Ann said...

Dear Les!

Perhaps one of the first things you need to do is get over the COLOR of HIS Skin!

I'm sure this is playing a big part in your attitude. And the fact that the “GOOD OLD BOY SYSTEM” could not keep him from winning the Presidency.

It has shocked so many people to think that a Black man could ever be President of our country.

I hear my co-workers comment on him not really being black. They can't handle a Black man being President so they tranquilize themselves by constantly saying, "Well- he's really white he just has an African father.” How crazy is that? I find myself laughing at their fears and stupidity.

Here we are educated upper-middle class white Americans afraid of this man and his intellect and yes power!

I'm sorry-I can no longer go along with this crazy notion that a Black man or for that fact a Black woman could not run America and steer us as a nation in the right direction.

I wish there was a Black person in the state of Maine bold enough to run for Governor. I would rally around that person and do all I could to assist in his or her victory if I thought he/she would make a good Governor and really be an asset to the state of Maine.

Although I'm a white Republican- I think the President is a winner and a great man.

Why not lend positive suggestions rather than negative poison?

Have you ever met the man, worked with him, talked to him or for that fact walked in his shoes? I think not!

I am growing tired of the under-cover racism and under-minding that is taking place. I'm also tired of people putting this imaginary bar so high that unless a person is God- perhaps could never measure up. I can only imagine if the President is not able to reach all of his goals he set out to do- in his first two-four years you will be one of the first ones to hold up your finger and say "SEE I TOLD YOU SO!"

My suggestion to you is give the man a chance. Keep him in your prayers and voice your concerns to his staff with solutions. You never know- you may offer a much-needed suggestion that he has yet to think of!


Les Gibson said...

Why would you automatically assume that because I'm having trouble finding support for President Obama's policies that I'm racist? That's one of the main problems with the country today, people wanting to play the race card! I have absolutely no problem with President Obama being black! That's just ridiculous. You stated that you wish a black person would run for Govenor. Well, it will probably suprise you to know that every time I see Auburn Mayor John Jenkins, I urge him to run for Govenor. The example of his leadership is what this state needs.

No, race is nowhere in sight for my opinions, and it is an indicator of a lack of substance in your argument.

I'm having a problem with President Obama's POLICIES, not the color of his skin. I believe his stated policies will further weaken our economy, destroy our national defense, and cause the further loss of jobs. I also fear that his policies will lead our country down the path to socialism, and I will not stand for that.
I said before, and I'll say again, I hope I'm wrong. I will do my best of support President Obama, but when his policies klash with my beliefs, I will oppose those policies in a respectful manner. You won't hear me ranting and raving against him as the lunatic left has done to President Bush.
So, Ann, if you want to go on believing that I must be a racist because I don't support President Obama's policies, go ahead. But, by doing so, you just continue the tired cause of race baiting. You couldn't be more wrong about me.

Bruce said...

What a surprise !!

Repeat after me "I Barack Hussein Obama....

The nightmare years of W are over.
By the way The Free Choice Act will probably pass now. Won't you be thrilled

As for you hoping you are wrong. I doubt that.
Remember what I said earlier
Affirmative action takes many forms, not just race.

Like getting jobs in defense oriented plants.

Bruce said...

Les at least Obama did not bring back guys like Rumsfeld who use to hold hands with Sadam in earlier days. Every administration looks to experienced people and every administration has some bumps in their appointments.
Last I looked the gop had many more congressmen under investigation or found guilty than the dems. Check it out.

Les Gibson said...

Why, Bruce, what a surprise! Why did it take so long for your example of closed-mindedness. That's one thing that I will never understand about the liberal mind set. You vehemently claim that you are open to all views, but immediately condemn any that are different from yours. I just finished listening to President Obama's inaugural speech and I liked it very much. Now I will await you're trying to call me a liar.

President Obama just called for a new determined way forward, but to listen to you and your unfathomable need to continue to bash President Bush, you are not listening. Your narrow mindeness in just the thing that will prevent the country from moving forward. By claiming victory, you have become the enemy of progress.

As for the so-called Free Choice Act, any legislation that infringes upon our constitionally guaranteed rights to a private vote, then I will oppose it. If you truely hold the intent of our founding fathers to heart, so would you. But, in your need to see the country go head-long into socialism, you must hold the view that the Constitution should be thrown out. Then what?

Your placing of blame for the ills of the country squarely in the shoulders of President Bush is short sighted, at best, and just plain dumb, at worst. The current financial crisis is, in large part, a creation of blind, consequences be damned, democratic policies, going back to the Carter Administration, advanced further by the Clinton Administration and dumped in the lap of President Bush during his final year. These are facts, on the congressional record, and they can't be disputed. But, you will dispute them and pretend they didn't happen as another example of the great open-mindedness of the liberal mindset.

I've been out on lay-off from BIW since October 10 and am having no success in finding a new job. Do I blame BIW for that? No, I don't. Do I blame President Bush for it? Absolutely not. Do I blame President Obama for it? Ridiculous notion. The truth is there is no one to blame, it's just a bump in the road.

President Obama has just called on all Americans to come together for the common cause of moving the country forward. Will you heed the call or insist on wallowing in your hatred for a President that had many difficult decisions to make and who truly did what was needed to defend our nation. Will you heed the call? Or continue to berate those who exercise the freedom of choice to choose their own destiny and stand up for their beliefs. I can't help but think that choosing to hate one man for the last 8 years will become a hugh roadblock to progress. Let it go.

Bruce said...

I never said I hated W, just his poliicies. You are the one who use derisive terms such as "pontification of Barack".

We will not dwell on W now. He can go read his comic books and hang out in Texas.

You said
"This man is nothing more than a cult of personality and his carisma suckered millions of Americans into drinking his Kool-Aid".
You seem to have cornered the market on close mindedness.

Hey Les ,quit looking for a job, start your own business.
This is America isn't it? land of endless opportunity.

Les Gibson said...

By "Pontification" I meant the media frenzy over President Obama. Some of these news networks were acting like he is some kind of rock star, which to me is disrespectful to the office. The "cult of personality" that I refer to is in reference to the fact that President Obama's campaign was run, in my opinion, more on personality than on substance or experience. Drinking the Kool-Aid is in reference to the millions of Americans who couldn't be bothered to take the time to research the candidates positions and policies and submit an educated vote, rather than cast their votes based on race, and there is ne denying the fact that millions of Americans voted for President Obama based solely on his race.

Just wanted to put everything in context. And, yes, America is the land of opportunity. At least we can agree on that.

Bruce said...

And millions voted against him because of race. So what. You think you have the corner on making informed decisions. I think not.

In Any democratic election, personality plays a role. People when polled in 200 said W was the candidate they would most like to have a beer with. Now that is a reason to elect someone, and they did

Obama's personality shows that he is intelligent and thoughtful.Two criteria missing for 8 years.

Les Gibson said...

Really, Bruce? Your obsession with bashing President Bush at every turn is your perogative. I am proud to say that I voted for him, twice, and would do so again. I didn't agree with all his decisions, but the most important decision he made was to do what was necessary to protect this country after 9/11/2001. And for that, I will be eternally grateful to him. But there are those who would have rather learned Arabic and be forced to bow to Mecca 5 times a day than to defend this country. That is there choice, but I wish they would make in somewhere else, say like in Iran.

I'm not going to fall prey to your liberal baiting any longer. Your arguments lack substance and basis of fact, so argue with yourself.

Bruce said...

Since you brought it up

You said

"I've been out on lay-off from BIW since October 10 and am having no success in finding a new job. Do I blame BIW for that? No, I don't. Do I blame President Bush for it? Absolutely not. Do I blame President Obama for it? Ridiculous notion. The truth is there is no one to blame, it's just a bump in the road."

I hope you have been able to utilize that socialist concept of unemployment compensation that is contributed to by the employer, or maybe the union is helping out. That other organization your party would like to abolish.

I don't know how capitalism has survived with our govt forcing employers to contribute to a fund for workers they lay off.

As for your support of Palin,no surprise there.
She makes W look like a rocket scientist.
As for W making the country safe
He ignored his P D B's for 9 months.
9-11 was on his watch.
even though the RWW blamed it on clinton.
I suppose if we are attacked tomorrow it will be president Obama's fault on the Hannity /Coulter/Limbaugh shows

Les Gibson said...

I think this sums up the Obama Presidency, and his willing obstructionist accomplices in congress (Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, Franks, ad naseum) rather well:

A victory for the hysterical Oprah Winfrey, the mad racist preacher Jeremiah Wright, the US mainstream media who abandoned any sense of objectivity long ago, Europeans who despise America largely because they depend on her, comics who claim to be dangerous and fearless but would not dare attack genuinely powerful special interest groups.

A victory for Obama-worshippers everywhere. A victory for the cult of the cult. A man who has done little with his life but has written about his achievements as if he had found the cure for cancer in between winning a marathon and building a nuclear reactor with his teeth. Victory for style over substance, hyperbole over history, rabble-raising over reality.

A victory for Hollywood , the most dysfunctional community in the world. Victory for Streisand, Spielberg, Soros, Moore, and Sarandon.

Victory for those who prefer welfare to will and interference to
independence. For those who settle for group think and herd mentality rather than those who fight for individual initiative and the right to be out of step with meager political fashion.

Victory for a man who is no friend of freedom. He and his people have already stated that media has to be controlled so as to be balanced, without realizing the extraordinary irony within that statement. Like most liberal
zealots, the Obama worshippers constantly speak of Fox and Limbaugh, when the vast bulk of television stations and newspapers are drastically liberal and anti-conservative. Senior Democrat Chuck Schumer said that just as
pornography should be censored, so should talk radio. In other words, one of the few free and open means of popular expression may well be cornered and beaten by bullies who even in triumph cannot tolerate any criticism and opposition.

A victory for those who believe the state is better qualified to raise children than the family, for those who prefer teachers' unions to teaching
and for those who are naively convinced that if the West is sufficiently weak towards its enemies, war and terror will dissolve as quickly as the
tears on the face of a leftist celebrity. A victory for social democracy even after most of Europe has come to the painful conclusion that social democracy leads to mediocrity, failure, unemployment, inflation, higher
taxes and economic stagnation.

A victory for intrusive lawyers, banal sentimentalists, social extremists and urban snobs.

In his second day in office President Obama began the process of weakening our national defense while claiming that his action was in the "best interest" of our national defense. The closing of Guantonimo Bay and the actions associated with it does not, by any stretch of the imagination, enhance our national security. Just the contrary. This action will embolden our enemy by signaling that we will return to weakness just so the rest of the world "likes" us better. Yeah, that's going to make be sleep better at night.

Bruce said...

I kinda like the idea of peter Cianchette working for Hillary.
I think his paid for vacation is soon to be over. Hope he gets back here before the temp warms up

Janet said...

In reference to the stimulus bill, where does Sen. Snow stand on this and many other things. The only time we hear from her is at election time and from then on she drops out of sight and sound. Maine does have two Senators. Thank you

Ann said...


You are losing it! Get a grip. Get a life!

I love America and would not want to call any other country my home. I'm proud to be an American and will always stand up for my country.

On the flip side of that- I always look at the rest of the world through eyes of various degrees and when I do I am always reminded of how much funk, blood, lies, cheating, and racism America has on it's stained sheets.

Let's stop slinging dirt at our fellow Americans and try to support their efforts in making our country strong again.

People deal with issues on different levels of mind-set.

Let's give this new President a chance. He has already told us that he can't do this by himself. He's human! He will no doubt make mistakes, miss the mark at times and I'm sure have a few regrets. Don't we all?

Why don't you go outside and play with the other little boys who can't stand that the "Good Old Boy" System is slowly tumbling to its knees.

Do you secretly wear a white sheet at night?

Just curious!

Les Gibson said...

Okay, Ann, I see your game. And that game is if anyone disagrees with you or President Obama, then that person must be racist. How typical.

Let me ask you this. Have you, ANN, ever seen REAL racisim? Have you ever been a victim of REAL racisim? I would venture that you wouldn't know it if it hit you up-side the head!

Growing up in the the south as a young boy, I saw REAL racisim up close and personal. I saw the signs on restaurant doors saying "Whites only", I saw that if a black person went to watch a movie at our locat movie house, they had to sit in a separate part of the theatre. I saw signs over water fountains that said "Whites only." I could go on and on with more disgusting examples of the REAL racisim that use to exist in this country. I thought it was disgusting as a young boy, and I still think it's disgusting today.
But, hey, if you can't find anything more constructive to say than to call me a racist because I'm not in lock step with your view, that's your perogative, but's it's a sad one.

If you would climb down off your "Let's drag up the long distant past and try to make it sound like nothings changed" soap box for a moment you might be able to the forest for the trees. You say "Let's stop slinging mud at our fellow Americans" yet that's exactly what you're doing because I have the audacity to have a differing opinion. Amazing.

Until the liberal mindset is able to get away from the "it's okay for me to think this way, and no one had better disagree" this country will have a hard time moving forward.

Your "white sheet" comment was totally unacceptable and you should be banned from this forum for saying such a disgusting thing.

I absolutely agree that President Obama is human, and he will make mistakes and he can't do it all by himself. I totally agree. But where was that observation for President Bush? You guys wouldn't let him be human, condemned him for every mistake and acted like he was omnipotent. The liberal double standard is becoming more visible to more mainsteam Americans everyday and it'd driving you guys crazy.

By lableling me a racist, and (it's beyond me why you threw this in as well) a sexist, you're only exposing your own discriminatory beliefs.

Good day to you, madame.