Friday, January 30, 2009

Michael Steele, the real deal

Ray is thrilled with the election of Michael Steele as the new Republican National Committee Chairman because Steele, as Ray puts it, is the real deal, a passionate, articulate, fierce man who is not afraid to espouse the traditional conservative values the Republican Party was once known for.


Bruce said...

Great news for the Democrats

Sarah P 2012

Bruce said...

From Wikipedia on Steele

"On gay marriage: Steele has stated that he personally opposes a federal marriage amendment to ban same-sex marriage and believes that states should decide the issue for themselves but has indicated he would support it if elected RNC Chairman. He rates the issue of banning same-sex marriage low in importance"

Personally opposed to something but..

The RWW cannot understand how Obama can be personaly opposed to abortion, but support the right to choose for women.
Also in the article
Steele is anti death penalty, so i guess he can't be all bad.