Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Tuesday on the Morning Show

On this historic Election Day, Ray and Ted welcomed back to the show Professor John Frary, the cantankerous second district Republican congressional candidate, who stopped by to talk about the campaign he's run against incumbent Mike Michaud.

But for most of the show, Ray, Ted, and guest host Joe Bruno turned the show over to audience members, fielding call after call about the candidates and the issues people are voting on today. You can check out every last call from today's show on MyFOXMaine.com.

In the audio post below, Ray talks about the fun they had on the show today, and urges each and every one of you to get out and vote. Listen in, cast your vote, and sound off in the comments section.


Bruce said...

Let's hope this is what the rest of the day brings. Imagine "Live Free or Die" NH town voting this way after they went for W in 04

"Obama wins in earliest vote in tiny Dixville, NH
10 hours ago

DIXVILLE NOTCH, N.H. (AP) — Democrat Barack Obama came up a big winner in the presidential race in Dixville Notch, N.H., where the nation's first Election Day votes were cast and counted early Tuesday.

Obama defeated John McCain 15-6. Independent Ralph Nader was also on the ballot, but received no votes.

The first voter, following tradition established in 1948, was picked ahead of the midnight voting and the rest of the town's 21 registered voters followed suit in Tuesday's first minutes.

Town Clerk Rick Erwin says the northern New Hampshire town is proud of its tradition, but says the most important thing is that the turnout represents a 100 percent vote.

President Bush won the vote in Dixville Notch in 2004 on the way to his re-election".

Ray Richardson said...

Life goes on.

If the "Chosen One" wins and that is still a big if, the sun will still rise tomorrow.

When God closes a door, he always opens a window somewhere, you just have to seek the breeze.

Regardless of the outcome, I am seeking the breeze.

We almost had a cleansing rain on Wall Street. We certainly need a cleansing rain in the Republican Party.

Tomorrow, no matter what happens today, begins the next great chapter in the American Revolution.

Bruce said...

You are right about him being the "Chosen One"
He has been chosen by many many millions of hard working Americans who are hoping he will help them get ahead,not by give aways, but by having a fairer shake than they have gotten.

Les Gibson said...

Okay, Bruce, your guy won. Now, tell me how the "Chosen One" is going to come through with the abundance of promises he made. How have working families not gotten a fair shake in the pre-Obama world?

How disappointed will the lady in Florida be when she discovers that Obama won't be paying for her gas or paying her mortgage for her.

How will Obama's policies, provided he can actually make them happen, not further advance the "entitlement mentality" that the Democrats have been championing for generations?

Sure, you can crow now, but I dare say that, before to long, even you will become disappointed in Obama when he is unable to pull off all his promises and handouts.

Obama talked a good game, now it's time to walk the walk. I don't think he'll be able to do it.

Bruce said...

I think he can
Trying to convince you les would be like trying to change a wind direction. it's not worth the effort.
The GOP rw has you snowed

Les Gibson said...

Again, when confronted with a differing view, your response is that the right wing has me snowed. And, again, I will tell you that no one has me snowed. Unlike many people who won't take the time to educate themselves on the issues, I do take the time to gain as much information as possible, from BOTH sides of an issue, and then I decide for myself which side of the issue I feel is best suited for my family and the country.

I don't expect you to believe or accept the fact that many of us do our due diligence before we speak.

I firmly believe that many voters, younger voters in particular, bought into President-elect Obama's cult of personality because by continuing the entitlement mentality many of these people think they won't have to work to gain success, they believe that it's all going to be handed to them on a silver platter by the government. They are in for a rude awakening.

Barack Obama is our President-elect. This may come as a surprise to you, but I sincerely hope that he is a successful President and I will support him in any way I can that does not conflict with my beliefs and values. However, when I disagree with his policies I will oppose them vigorously.

Just as I vigorously opposed many of President Bush's policies.

But, I guess, that just shows how I've been "snowed" by the right wing.

If an American citizen can't be responsible enough to educate themselves, or won't take a stand on what they believe in instead of just going with the wind because they can't be bothered with anything, then they get life they deserve.

And don't give me the sob story that a lot of Americans don't have any opportunity to educate themselves or make a better life for themselves. BULL! Barack Obama is a prime example of the opportunity that is available to EVERY American. But, they have to work for it.

No one should have it given to them, except for those who are truely in need.

Bruce said...

If Obama had to as you say work hard for everything he has accomplished, then why does he want to help others achieve?
Answer, because he is not like you and Ray.

And your definition of "truly in need'?

I love the way you guys always have to explain who you are and how informed you are and how no one else does any of the learning you do You said "Unlike many people who won't take the time to educate themselves on the issues, I do take the time to gain as much information as possible, from BOTH sides of an issue, and then I decide for myself which side of the issue I feel is best suited for my family and the country."