Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wednesday on the Morning Show

Today on the show, Bob Morrill and Mike Hammer came in to talk about reverse mortgages, which are financial packages available to people 62 years or older which allows them to tap into their home equity without having to pay a tax.

Political analyst Joe Bruno, who's also a Dirigo Health board member, stopped by to talk about that troubled institution.

Fred Forsley of Shipyard Brewing called in live from Ft. Lauderdale, where he's down with other Maine business owners talking to cruise ship companies about what's so special about Maine.

Donald Canaday, President of Kiwanis International, came in to talk about the mission of Kiwanas, and to talk about a special event honoring WWII veterans at The Woodfords House in Portland at noon on Thursday.

Dean Scontras came in to kick off The Republican Project, an effort to regroup, refocus, and reform the Republican party.

In the audio post below, Ray discusses these guests, the issues of the day, and what's on tap for tomorrow's show. Give it a listen.


Bruce said...

tried to click on the project link. Would not load. Kinda prophetic dontcha tink ?

They sound like us liberals , creating a big organization to solve a simple proble,
Get rid of the social right wing fringe in the GOP. ie (the Palin group.

I heard she got Joe the Publisher to publish her book. I wonder who the writer will be. Her male followers will only buy if there are lots of pics. Maybe it will be a pop up book.
Hats off to Alaska for not reelecting their resident felon

Bruce said...

Finally was able to open it
Same old stuff from the rw faction of the GOP.

Care more for the rights of the unborn than the born. Nothing new.
I huess Dean did not get it. His party went with a more moderate candidate.
Old Woodchuck will climb on board his bandwagon I am sure.

As for ACORN
The rw always gets worried when too many people get to exercise their right to vote.

Ray Richardson said...

No Bruce, we just worry when dead people register to vote.

Integrity of elections, I know, does not matter to liberals, but the only way regular folks can accept the outcome and move on is to feel comfortable that fraud did not influence the outcome.

I recognize winning is all that matters to your side, but some of us, who actually value the American way of peacefully transfering power, believe that the transfer should happen from a process that has integrity.

If you honestly believe, with all the proveable registration fraud, that ACORN sought to bring integrity to this election, you have lost credibility with me.

Not, I am sure, that this matters to you.