Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A Heavy Turnout

Judging by the heavy activity at the polling station in Ray's town of Westbrook (and reports from around the state), it looks like voter turnout in Maine is going to crush every old record. Ray mulls what an awesome privelige (and responsibility) Americans enjoy with their right to vote, and he expresses his high hopes that McCain might pull this one out.


Webscribe said...

You are right about a few things.
1. the Sun will come up on Wednesday a Red Sun I will be up a 4 or 5 AM to see.
2. America is bigger than any one man. However it was not one man who lost big last night it was an organization. The Republican Party lost to a larger party. The Progresive Party, who under Woodrow Wilson began the march toward communist control of America.
The Republicans with their, go along to get along additude came up as crippled as John McCain. His past close work with the Democrats as well as the passive half hearted govering of President Bush allowed this. They played nice and the Socalist Democrats allowed them to feel safe for a while, then they cut them up and spit them out in the end.
The TV Media, who hate the new Talk Radio broadcasters, helped. They pushed aside the truth, but today may start to tell us a little more about the President Elect and how we were duped. They will claim they didn't know.
The Sun may rise today but I say it has set on the Republican Party for good, and maybe on the America of those white guys who wrote the Constitution, that out dated paper as the left calls it.
Shall I call you comrad in the new America?

dd said...

i just have one thing to say...alright maybe two. just remember that God is still on the throne and also the people in the old testiment had asked for a "king" and even though it was not the right time or the right one...God gave them what the asked for. i hope that obama WILL live up to his promises but even if he does not....God will !!! thank you for standing up and speaking out for the Godly people of Maine. i hope and pray they got what they really had hoped for.

Mary said...

I am thrilled that so many citizens voted, but devastated to think that they voted for change, charisma and control - and they won! Like you, I do believe Obama is an honest man, and I pray God will smile on our country and prevent him from keeping his promises. He represents a national scale of what we have in Maine, with liberal, Democrat control - higher taxes, more social "give aways", and civil patrols???
It sickens me to envision Michele Obama in the White House, but I will acknowledge them as my President and First Family.
I fear for the troops, remember, I'm the daughter of that great patriot, Bob Ruhl, in PA, who, as we speak, is preparing to go speak to the elementary school kids about the war, patriotism, and Veterans' Day.
I'm invited to a seminar Friday, 9-4, with the ME Equal Justice group at the State House, to discuss poverty in ME. I think this group is very liberal (PLEASE advise), but I'm inclined to go and attempt to voice my concerns.
Thanks to you and Ted for putting the conservative truth out there, I continue to pray for our country, our state, and your continuance.
PLEEASE tell me you'll soon be back on FM radio again!

Bruce said...

"The TV Media, who hate the new Talk Radio broadcasters, helped"

"New" I gues you never heard of
Father Coughlin from the 20's