Thursday, June 26, 2008


Ray weighs in on the Supreme Court's ruling that Washington D.C.'s ban on handguns is unconstitutional.


Bruce said...

Imagine, this left leaning political pandering supreme court making a decision that makes Ray happy !! Big day

Hope Larry Craig doesn't carry his gun into the men's room

Les Gibson said...

After the disgusting decision the day before, where brainless liberals on the Court once again sided with the criminals and in the process, threw the victims of their crimes under the bus, they finally got one right. I guess Ruthie must have convinced her fellow liberal judges that it wouldn't be a good idea to try to legislate from the bench on this one. I can only wonder, in horror, what the decision would have been had this come before an Obama appointed court.

Bruce said...

Hopefully we will find out after Hillary is appointed to SCOTUS
Obama 08