Wednesday, June 25, 2008

SCOTUS on the dealth penalty

Ray questions the Supreme Court's ruling that a convicted child rapist cannot be sentenced to death, saying capital punishment must be reserved for murder cases.


Les Gibson said...

Once again the appointed, not elected, liberal judges on the Supreme Court showed who they really care about. Was in the 8 year old girl who was the victim of rape by her step-father? Of course not! The liberal judges on the court showed everyone that they care more about the criminal than the victim, and also that they still use European law as basis to form their opinions. Gee, the last time I checked, the Supreme Court was located in Washington, DC, NOT PARIS FRANCE!!!
This was a disgusting decision and once again demonstrates that some process needs to put into place to fire some of these blockheads.

Bruce said...

The Fox WLOB actually had a radio talk show host on who was against the death penalty period.
Imagine that.
I hope Ray's listeners listened to her logic.
We all would like to kill someone who murders or rapes or kidnaps kids and physically abuses them, but society can do better.

Look how many people on death row have been freed because new evidence like DNA exonerates them.
Also, conservatives should look at how much more expensive it is than just imprisoning them for life.

Of course some beieve that if a cop arrests you , you must be guilty and to heck with any trial or appeals.

SCOTUS did the right thing in this one.
Last I looked the Magna Carta was the basis for constitutional law today

Europe is not only France, by the way. Greayt Britain ( United Kingdom) is part of it too

Les Gibson said...

Pat LaMarche is a space cadet and as soon as Ted announced that she was co-hosting todays show, I switched to another program. I am totally not surprised that she is against the death penalty, another example of a bleeding heart that coddles the criminal and throws their victims under the bus. When I hear the name Pat LaMarche the word "logic" is not the first thing that comes to mind.

Just because a handful of death row inmates have been cleared due to DNA testing doesn't mean they are all innocent. I have no doubt that the vast majority are guilty of the crimes they were convicted of and are deserving of their sentence.

Great Britain is a part of Europe?? Who knew.

Bruce said...

"Who new? "

Most Brits do.
So you are willing to hang a few innocents along with the guilty.

I guess I should not be surprised.

Bruce said...

Les says
"as soon as Ted announced that she was co-hosting todays show, I switched to another program"

I heard last week that with the advent of cable and all the many "news" networks, people tune in to their station to get their own views reaffirmed as opposed to hearing new ideas. I guess that is true.

Les Gibson said...

Are you for real? Or do you come up with this foolishness just to make yourself feel relevant?? Our criminal justice system has worked pretty well over the last 200 hundred years. Is it perfect - no. Are mistakes made - yes there are, sometimes with tragic circumstances. But I would rather have a system that errs on the side of justice than coddle the criminal. I challenge you to name me one country that has a criminal justice system that has never made a mistake and that has never convicted an innocent person. You can't, Because it doesn't exist. Why, in many countries an accused isn't even given the benefit of a trial, their just dragged out and executed. So, stop trashing our system.

In regards to being receptive to new ideas, I am always receptive to new ideas. However, in the case of Ms. LaMarche and her ilk, there's no such thing as a new idea, just the same recycled liberal clap trap that I've heard a million times before. So, excuse me if I choose not to hear it for the one millionth and one time. Bruce, if you find so much with our country and form of government to be disgusted with, I would suggest to you that you go live in any foreign country for a while. I guarantee you you'll gain a greater appreciation for the greatest country in history.

Bruce said...

I challenge you to name me one country that has a criminal justice system that has never made a mistake and that has never convicted an innocent person. You can't,.. Les said

The other group 7 countries know they make mistakes that isone reason why they have no death penalty. because you cannot undo that mistake. They do err on the side of justice.
You forget I did live in another country Belgium,for 5 years working for DODDS.
America Love it or leave it.. I wish I had a nickle for everytime I heard that back in the 60's
This is my country too. I love it , but know we can always do better. I am not blind to our mistakes like you are.
Trying to form " a more perfect union" is one of our major goals. Our founders realized that, too bad the right can't figure out that the we are not perfect.

Happy 4th

crsjonben said... have to get a life for God's're on here 24/7...just back from another trip creating tons of pollution having a great time...why ray ever tagged patty to fill in is still a mystery...i know patty...she's lived a priviledged life for sure...daddy's a doctor living in bangor so do the math...household income about a factor of 50/average income....absolutely no clue about real life for the first 25 years of her life...perfect receipe for a nut queen(latin for liberal)...the problem with any talk radio is the control switch...never hear complete response to any comment made by host... as far as death penalty...the bad guy/gal can never hurt anyone again...

crsjonben said... have to get a life for God's're on here 24/7...just back from another trip creating tons of pollution having a great time...why ray ever tagged patty to fill in is still a mystery...i know patty...she's lived a priviledged life for sure...daddy's a doctor living in bangor so do the math...household income about a factor of 50/average income....absolutely no clue about real life for the first 25 years of her life...perfect receipe for a nut queen(latin for liberal)...the problem with any talk radio is the control switch...never hear complete response to any comment made by host... as far as death penalty...the bad guy/gal can never hurt anyone again...

Bruce said...

CRS writes

"...just back from another trip creating tons of pollution having a great time..."

and this is an avid Ray fan

crsjonben said...

bruce...i'm no avid fan of anyone...ray and i share alot of views about many subjects...not all pollution was created by our trip around new england...camping and boating...just think of all the commerce and jobs i created by buying a traveling...far less pollution than al gore's monthly traveling around crying about the end of the world...just got back from billy joel's concert at mohegan sun...was great..stayed at foxwoods too...again...i created commerce...did you create any jobs last month....of course you's called capitalism/free interprise...great way of life...if one choses to get off their able lazy ass and go to work....they can enjoy the same...3 w2's before you simple...