Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain

Ray susses out the Connecticut resident who's been donating big money to Health Coverage for Maine, the PAC that's opposed to the people's veto of new taxes on beer, wine, and soda.


Bruce said...

And where is most of the money coming from for the fedup with taxes group costs?
Must be just grass roots small donations. I am sure the beverage industry wouldn't be underwriting it.

Ray Richardson said...

Of course the beverage industry is funding this effort. Don't you find it ironic that the Health PAC is pushing the idea of out-of-state money funding the veto campaign, when almost all of their is from a Greenwich Connecticut businessman?

Bruce said...

Do you have an address so i can send this nice man a thank you note from the majority of Mainers?

Funding any issue is always full of irony and creates many bizarre tales.
I copied and saved your predictions for November. We can talk over a beer then.

Bill clinton Ambasador to the UN. Nice ring dontcha tink ?

Ray Richardson said...

Clinton as UN ambassador certainly gives him a lot of options on the international scene and keeps him out of US headlines.

I have never understood the notion of "restoring our reputation throughout the world."

What does that mean? Does it mean that when nations are facing disaster, because they do not respect us, they will not accept our money and other resources?

Restoring our reputation is something politicians and media talk about. It has no real meaning, but it sure sounds good on the campaign stump.

Bruce said...

What does that mean? Does it mean that when nations are facing disaster, because they do not respect us, they will not accept our money and other resources?

No just as we accepted some money from foriegn countries when katrina hit.
Respect isn't earned with gifts Ray
Respect is earned by leading by example and making your partners know you are not just a big guy who acts unilateral because he can.

I have traveled a lot in the last 30 years. never had anyone give me a hard time about being an American. Surprise the French do not hate us!! We even have a train car in boothbay that was agift from them.
They and our other allies are just perplexed over our recent actions in Iraq. And quite frankly they have a right to be worried about the fact that we are the only super power now. We seem to have the might is right attitude lately.

Remind me. How many countries have used nuclear weapons against another people? CRS brought up ww 2 debts so I thought I would throw this one in. No matter how we justify itand yes I do think it was justified, the rest of the world sees us as the only ones that have done it.
Not everyone has our point of view on everything.
Our friends the Saudis(W holds hands in pics with them) let girls burn to death instead of allowing male firefighters in the school. We seem to have no problem still calling them our friends. Go figure

Dana said...

Dear Ray;

This was my response to one of many letters to the editor opposing the People Veto.

My wife and I are also self-employed. We can not afford any type of insurance. We own (for the time being) a convenience store locally. We have watched all sorts of taxes skyrocket along with fuel prices in the past two years. We have watched our sales slow as much as 40 percent. People are going without now, because of these increases. I’ve watched many times, a customer come in the store, count out what change they have in their pocket and purchase maybe a gallon of gas and leave.

If everything continues at this rate, my family and I will become just another statistic very soon. We don’t need any new taxes !. What we do need is to elect a new government who will put health care out on the free market, which has already been proven to lower cost. Immediately start drilling for oil and building refineries in our own country. Let us elect officials who see nuclear power in this state as an absolute necessity. Let’s elect a governor who will reign in spending, cut taxes and police our welfare system. I have witnessed way too many people come in my store and try to purchase everything but necessities. These people deserve no help.

I feel sorry for Nancy and others who think like her. They want me and my customers to support a failed health care system. They don’t go to bed every night sick to their stomach worrying about what’s going to happen if one of their family becomes ill. I do, I have no insurance, and possibly no future at all because my family and my business are being taxed to death.

Let’s get behind the people’s veto folks and tell the current administration to STUFF IT !!.

What are your thoughts, Ray?

Dana Orr