Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Astounded by the Ignorance

Ray challenges a caller's assertion that Republicans are salivating over Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin only because "she has a womb."


Bruce said...

The only reuplicans who are "salivating" are the right wing fringe. Not because she is a woman, but because of her extreme views on abortion, which would deny the victim of rape or incest the right to terminate "the little gift from god"
If the GOP think that many Clinton supporters would back her because she is a woman, they are mistaken.

If a female liberal was in the vp running slot for the Dems, and if she advocated sex ed instead of only abstinence, and her daughter got pregnant,
THe RWW would be all over it and you know it. They would want her other kids taken away from her probably.

Did I mention the RWW fringe says Obama is a Muslim? That is not ignorance.It is just stupidity and lies.

Ray Richardson said...

A lot of people say Barack is a Muslim. He has a Muslim name. It confuses them.

If his name was John Smith, I doubt many people would think he was a Muslim.

That goes for people on the right and on the left. Many people are not acquainted with the facts regardless of where they stand on the philosophical spectrum.

Bruce said...

"A lot of people say Barack is a Muslim. He has a Muslim name. It confuses them".
The RWW is easily confused when it suits them
I am sure the author of "Obama Nation" is not confused on his agenda.

If McCain was a democrat, the Swift Boaters would be working hard to discredit his war record.

Did you go to the Obama campaign kick off today. The former chairman of the Maine Republican Party ,Bob Monks, as well as republican Sherry Huber know their party is on the losing side because of the conservative fringe.

russ said...

I wasn't all that impressed. She seems like a great local politician, but leaves a lot to be desired on the national level.
As time goes by, her weaknesses will surface and the voters of this country, sans the far right, will become less enamored by her. She is certainly no Hillary. I just love all the spin on her "experience". George Bush had twice as much administrative experience as Texas Governor than she does and look what we got with him! The third stooge Carter, Nixon and Bush II. When everyone realizes what her extreme views weaned from the "Christian Right" are, they will bail out like rats on a sinking ship.
No one can argue; it is very nice to go full term on a downs syndrome baby and have her 17 year old daughter carry her baby to term and marry the father. The family has the means to support all. If this was a poor family in Washington County who all lived in the same trailer, would it still be such a good idea?? I think not. The same people who think the first scenario so wonderful, fight the taxes necessary to help the poor people in the second. I wonder what Sarah's answer to the question "Does abstinence work?" would be!
PS: Sorry Ray, I thought the "Beauty and the Beast" joke was cute, I'll try and do better! :)