Friday, September 14, 2007 should move on out of here

Ray says has finally crossed a line with its New York Times ad calling General Petraeus "General Betray Us." Even traditional liberals won't support this.

Listen here:


Rigby said...

I agree that the ad name-calling an honorable veteran was in poor taste. It reminded of me of when they mocked triple-amputee (and honorable vet) Max Cleland. Or when they called honorable vet Jack Murtha a traitor and a coward. Or when they wore purple heart band-aids to the 2004 Republican convention to mock John Kerry's military service.

Oh wait. didn't do any of those things. But I assume you were equally disgusted, yes?

Ray Richardson said...

I am against all such non-sense. Nothing is accomplished by this non-sense except to futher drive more American citizens away from the political process because of the nasty, selfish nature of their actions.

Both sides are guilty and both sides should be ashamed.