Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Beyond Philosophy

Ray is fundamentally opposed to the government interfering in the free market. But since we're beyond that philosophy and into the reality of a Wall Street bailout, Ray weighs in on how that should be handled.


Bruce said...

Ray, the economic sage
Philosophically against something,
but has a plan on how it should be done.

Your plan for the homeowner makes you sound like a liberal.
Whatever happened to. Hey they took out the loan, no one twisted their arm. or, Someone's loss is someone else's gain?
Sounds like maybe your neighbors house might be involved and you are worried about yours.
Now there is right wing value.

Do you know anyone personaly who has had their mortgage called, even though they were making
all their payments on time, because the market value of their house dropped. mean personally, not something you have heard.
The plus side would be, as long as you are not trying to sell your house, maybe the town will revalue yours too and you would lower your property taxes

Typical liberal

In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree said...

Ray - You know me best as Mary from Livermore. What is really going on? We can't get 1310 (and find you're not on 96.3) Is this part of a left group getting you off the air?Please let us know what is going on. 737-8635 or medow13@roadrunner.com

Ray Richardson said...

Wow, let me say it again ... wow!

You are an interesting fellow Bruce. You know what I have said here makes all the sense in the world when you consider our circumstances.

I believe in the free market and frankly, I do not want to see this bail-out, nor did I agree with the others going back to Chrysler in the late 70's.

I do not make these decisions, but I assume you knew that. Was I wrong?

Since the Feds are determined to interfere in the free market, we should also apply some justice. Should the fat cat CEOs get their parachute and John Doe lose his house when the parachute is propped up by taxpayer dollars?

You comment on it being personal is so typical of the liberal crowd. In fact, you are lock step.

You people, yes you people, believe that everything in life is about you.

People like me actually have regard for others, care about their lives and act accordingly.

As far as I know, none of my neighbors are fearful of losing their homes, although I doubt they would come tell me as it is not my business.

I do know, however, that 1 in 416 homes in America are in foreclosure. That may not matter to you as you apparently are not one of them, but it does matter to me.

Not everyone can own a home. Not everyone can have their home saved.

With that said, since our government is going to interfere in the natural order of the market, I think establishing an independent organization that can restructure and re-organize troubled loans, get them restructured to where a family can pay them, that is good for the family, good for our economy and good for America.

I am surprised an ole liberal like you who probably hates big business (just guessing, don't really know), hates Wall Street (again, guessing) and loves government intervention ... it would seem to me you would love this idea.

By the way, real conservatives, not the fake kind in Washington and most elected places, real conservatives believe in equality and justice.

A Wall Street only bail-out is not equal and not just.

Ray Richardson said...


We are still on 131o and of course FOX television. We are also streaming live on the web at www.wlobradio.com

There is going to be an announcement is the near future about a new FM I am told.

I, unfortunately, do not have details that I can reveal at this time.

We are still on M-F 6a-9a on AM1310 and FOX 23.

Bruce said...

Ray i am in favor of your plan I am just shocked it cam from such a right winger.

I love mar's liberal conspiracy theory. I actually heard it from another person just this week
Set her straight. let her know sports are more important to your listeners

Ray Richardson said...

Bruce is right .... let me say it again .... Bruce is right, the Red Sox are definately more important than Ray & Ted. Ted and I both support this decision.

Someday ... who knows when ... we will be gone, as all shows are.

The Boston Red Sox will still be around long after I am dead and forgotten. No station would ever willingly give them up and we could not do that.

No liberal conspiracy or imposing fo the "fairness doctrine" early, simply a sound business decision.

Either they moved to 96.3FM or their rights would have been sold to our competitor. We at Atlantic Coast Radio simply could not allow this to happen.

We (Ted and me) are extremely humbled and appreciative of the support from the audience. The response has been well beyond anything we could have imagined.

Thank you to everyone.


Bruce said...


"You people, yes you people, believe that everything in life is about you".

Ray as I mentioned before, I am married 36 years, no kids to burden the school system, am self emploed with 1 payrolled employee.
Now what is it that is all about me in this biggest foreclosure crisis since the late 80" and 1990 (remember the Reagan / Bush years)
what do i get out of any of my views. (other than the chance to needle you)

Your group is the ultimate first person pronoun user in the world.

By the way i see you did not dispell her left wing conspiracy theory with an absolute no
Good job

crsjonben said...

commrade bruce...now that i have read you have no children explains everything...whether by choice or not...i am sorry...if you did have children...you would look at the world thur entirely different glasses...if your wife was in danger you would do everything in your power to protect her...if your child was in danger you would give your life...other than defense and infrastucture...everything about government is a threat to your family...a good parent has a much greater sense of this...and yes...liberals and liberal parents lack this sense...how can anyone believe government has ever done anything right...is beyond belief....

Ray Richardson said...

How could I have been more clear?

No liberal conspiracy or imposing of the "fairness doctrine" early, simply a sound business decision.

Seemed pretty clear to me.

Ray Richardson said...

How could I have been more clear?

No liberal conspiracy or imposing of the "fairness doctrine" early, simply a sound business decision.

Seemed pretty clear to me.

Bruce said...

CRS said
"how can anyone believe government has ever done anything right...is beyond belief..."

Spoken like a true anarchist I guess..

Democratic Govt is us, like it or not. Luckily our leaders do not all reflect your values, some reflect mine. Enjoy your trip to the polls this nov.

I do have a family, just no kids by choice.
Your old argument about protecting family is absurd. Of course everyone left or right wants to avenge a wrong to their loved ones, but justice is not based on revenge.
I am sure you would like to revert to the days when men carried their pistols at their waste and settled things for themselves

Ray i sent the second message too soon thank you for your clear response.

crsjonben said...

justice...what's that..oh that's right..it was a tv show..no commrade bruce i do believe in law and order...and a government that speaks for you and me...not a government that can strangulate vs regulate... you and me.....plum creek is a perfect example..."IT'S PRIVATE PROPERTY"...of course you don't believe in the rights of people to own property or rights in general... unless it fits into your "utopia" beliefs...the party of liberals is the democratic party...your party has become more socialist as my party has become more moderate..i can never be a socialist...you can never become a conservative..but isn't it funny how the libs love to either rewrite history or ignore it...do you think the pols...jews...and french wish they had the 2nd amendment before WWII...how about the georgiains just recently...there's those facts again...stubborn aren't they...i would have always been able to go vote because i have always wanted to be a property owner...it's called ambition and desire...let's get in a time machine and go back to 1775-76..ask why just the property owners can vote...answer: they pay the taxes that run the government...why the 1st..answer.. the voice of the people must be heard so government will not be " out of control"..why the 2nd..answer..to protect yourself from an out of control government...how simple...of course your spin will take it in a whole different direction...how absurd..?.. commrade bruce...comparing your wife to your child is truely absurd...no doubt you worship the ground she walks on...let me clue in on something...a judge can end that" family" in one second...and guess what..no relationship/connection/legacy whatsoever and in time forgotten...but a child is your blood forever and no court can ever change that...ever....again...how can you reason with an unreasonable person...answer:...you can't...oops!!..there's those facts and common sense again...

crsjonben said...

just got back mowing the lawn creating more global warming...commrade bruce...got to thinking about your comment about no kids by choice....this is proof in the pudding...describes who you are and what you believe the world should be...as i have said in the past...i am from a huge family and am proud to say as many good friends...the vast majority have families(that means children)...some have no children because of med/bio reasons..and a few with no children by choice...and as a matter of fact...those of the latter are liberals through and through...profession....teachers....how would i describe them...they want no responsibility...no committment...no accountability...just free as the wind....an exact description of a liberal...the reason they do not want to have children..is because of the world we live in...the irony...oh the irony...they are the reason for the world we live in with no responsibility...no committment...no accountability..."oh but we have pets".....some how think they have a clue about what's going with life.....well..headed up back to bring down another cord i worked up the other day...that'll make 6 cords split/stacked/covered for the winter....i'm sure it adds to global warming...at least my wife and i and our kids and our 2 grandsons can stay warm...in other words...my family....

crsjonben said...

p.s..commrade bruce..i forgot to mention a very very important point about those wonderful couples that cannot have children for med/bio reasons...they chose adoption...they spent a fortune trying to get pregnant...and another fortune adopting...talk about justice....there is nothing fair or just about life....those wonderful...caring...loving parents cannot have their own while the oxygen theives pump out welfare babies as fast as they can...another huge difference between you and myself bruce is you will use a 4 syllable word to describe dirt and water...i use 1....mud...and you call it "name-calling"...i do not mix words...i call a spade a spade because it is a spade...social welfare is the cancer...crippling this country...i do know welfare people...i do know people that have lost their homes...all self-inflicted...."qualify voters"...is the first attempt to fix our mess...and what a mess it is.....

Bruce said...

Jenbon says
.....plum creek is a perfect example..."IT'S PRIVATE PROPERTY"...of course you don't believe in the rights of people to own property or rights in general... unless it fits into your "utopia" beliefs...the party of liberals is the

I guess we should do away with all shoreland zoning ordinances and let people do whatever they want with their property according to
"Il Duce" jenbon
You really are amazing

"Comrade" as you call me

Bruce said...

Jenbon said..."how can you reason with an unreasonable person...answer:...you can't...oops!!.."

Right you are
I don't know why I try. You are beyond reasoning.
I guess it is just fun to read your rants

Bruce said...

You are a truly incredible persom

hardest working man in the world,Most oppressed by the govt. and noone can know what family love is all about anywhere near as well as you.

Must be an awesome burden, being so

crsjonben said...

the only reason i acknowlege you as commrade is out of respect...your belief in government has the answer to everything and your believe government should take care of us is found in books relating to socialism/communism/marxism...

crsjonben said...

commrade bruce...i swear you must live in a subsidized cave...90% of shoreland laws have no basis...your people created lurc/dep/epa and they are socialist in belief and enforcement...i am a "true" enviromentalist being a sportsman...yes i believe anybody should be able to do what ever they want with their property as long as it does affect the value of mine...and of course not pollute...cleaning out a paint brush in sebago lake is not the same thing as backfilling a hole with a tadpole in it...rolling a few rocks out of the way to put a dock in does not affect any body of water...i have fought with your eco-terrorists nazis for years...your people and thugs are just jealous...it's that simple...your thug "experts" claim that spotted owls can live in old growth forest and mountain lions are extinct in maine...your people are laughable...i still have the picture of a spotted owl nesting on a walmart sign and i have pictures of a mountain lion sitting on my snow-covered dock up in northern maine...the only reason i have never shared those pics is simple...your "thugs" would try to take away my property under the endangered species act...another socialist organization...and yes commrade...being a good father...husband..and being loved is kinda Godlike...it's too bad you denied yourself the joy of being a father...we need as many good dads as we can.....

Bruce said...

Jonben writes
...i am a "true" enviromentalist being a sportsman...yes i believe anybody should be able to do what ever they want with their property as long as it does affect the value of mine...and of course not..

So I guess rhe state should have just turned to you to write the zoning. Would have saved a lot of time. I assume you meant does not affect your property values, not does affect..

Why can't I do what I want with my property evn if it does affect your property values. Why should i as a landowner care about you. That seems to be a socialist value. i guess you are a closet comrade after all