Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Optimism and Pessimism

Ray reflects on the optimism about our country that he perceives in people, and the pessimism he perceives about the current crop of candidates for the House, Senate, and Presidency.


Bruce said...

It's hard for some people to remain optimistic when they are bombarded daily by guys like you telling them how screwed up their elected officials are and how their elected officials are not doing what they should be.

I am optimistic, especiall this year.

BTW dif subject
Your buddy Stepanie Anderson.
Maybe if she spent less time on your show politicking and less time worried about King Middle school, she would have gotten the all the convictions they wanted in the Naples boating death case yesterday.

Ray Richardson said...

that's a cheap shot.

Just which laws are important. Is it up to you Bruce? And if it is, have you called her and told her which laws she should prosecute people for and which laws the Legislature passes that she can simply ignore?

Also, if you haven't called her and told her, why not?

From what I saw and I followed this closely, she did get a conviction, two of them. Also, 8 people thought he should get a manslaughter convinction, four did not. I guess the defense did a good job of creating doubt.

I think the defense took a calculated risk. They created doubt around manslaughter because they were willing to accept an OUI conviction.

I guess it comes down to sentencing. If he gets decent time, I think they let it go. If he gets off soft, I think they re-try. A re-trial always favors the prosecution.

Are you one of these people who fires shots from the shadows and assumes that people cannot walk and chew gum at the same time?

By the way, part of her job is to communicate with the public about why she approaches justice in the manner she does.

I think her office did a good job in a tough circumstance.

Since you questioned her committment to preparation, just what "exactly" do you think she should have done differently?

Ray Richardson said...

There elected officials have screwed up the government. Any one that says otherwise is either naive or dishonest.

No one should be allowed to run our government this way, at the state or the local level.

dubLLtime said...

This might be a first. I am in complete agreement with one of your posts. I think the public in general is pessimistic about the people leading this country right now. You are absolutely right when you say our leaders lack vision. Neither party has it. It takes a major catastrophe (or near catastrophe) to get Congress moving on anything. It shouldn't be that way.

While I support Barack Obama for a variety of reasons, if you ask me if I think he really is all that different from everybody else I will answer no. Neither is John McCain. Neither is Hillary Clinton. Neither is (dare I say) Sarah Palin. ...neither is ......anybody.

Often times, I think, particularly with the national elections of late, people are choosing the candidate that they feel will be the lesser of two evils. That neither choice is all that great. The whole "who would you rather have a beer with" argument from the last campaign comes to mind.

My cynicism aside, I also think most people (including myself) are still optimistic about this country as a whole. While times are tough right now, we know at some point, things will change and get better. That we still live in the greatest nation on the planet. That because of where we live and those who fought and died for our freedoms...we still have the opportunity to do anything we so desire as long as its legal and doesn't hurt anybody.

So I guess what I am trying to say is that while there is a great deal of pessimism with our governmental leadership, as a whole, there is still solid optimism that...this to, shall pass. Struggle as we do, there is still no better place to be.

crsjonben said... simple....make them accountable...both sides...this will scare bruce....more than once i've been asked to run...even a few groups were willing to support...actually sat down with hatie bickmore...the fact is...i'd need someone to start my truck up every morning and a food taster... let them(this note is for bruce...the capable "them") freeze/starve/ be sick and homeless...but i have a belief....they will not...if they truely believe there is no hand out...they will go to work...and succeed to their ability...if their ceiling of ability is not as high as mine...they should not live as i ceiling is not as high as many...and i cannot live as they do...if i want to...i work harder and create more businesses to reach that lifestyle if i choose to...but bruce 's people want all to live the same...whether they earn it or not...hate to break the news to you bruce...we are "not" all created equal...ray.....qualify could this be so felons...3 1040's...and if anyone(the capable bruce) accepts any kind of state or federal assistance..disqualifies them...when i see my taxes go up i want to believe the morons that voted for it actually get up and go to work everyday...oh well...i'd be censored anyways because you can't be honest and outspoken...just outspoken...cut back the amount of vegatables at the farm stand...and cut back the amount of time spent on display...

crsjonben said...

does anyone that supports obama truely believe he has no ties with the BLT...communist/marxist/foundations...maybe using ties with terrorists is too strong...but...if it looks like a skunk walks like a skunk...and smells like a skunk....FYI obama usually is a could anybody be pessimistic....chose between a socialist or poor old john who needs a and money usually wins the race....we'll see...

Bruce said...

Ray said

"Just which laws are important"

Obviously the ones that you think are. It was not a cheap shot. She is a public official and she goes on the airways to get herself exposure, like any of them.

If Steven Rowe had been in charge of this case you would have been all over him.

I gues deaths caused by someone alledgedly drunk isn't as important as a school nurse neglecting to tell the DA that a kid asked for contraception.

You make statements about which laws are important to you all the time.
One example of your ridicule is the idling vehicle ordinance in Portland
I applaud the city council in Portland for taking a stab at the idling vehicles. Of course some of the biggest offenders have been the official vehicles idling in front of Dunkin Donuts.
Seeing busses idling away on commercial street just so their pasengers do not have to wait a few minutes for the ac to kick in is not a good thing.

BTW Nice interview Palin /Couric

Don't you think?

Bruce said...

Ray said"
Are you one of these people who fires shots from the shadows and assumes that people cannot walk and chew gum at the same time?

I am not in the shadows. I assume she reads your posts.
After all she is a fan, right?

Speaking of multi tasking, Too bad your boy McCain can't seem to handle doing his job in DC and also preparing for a debate.
God qualities in some one who will get PDP's on a myriad of important issues,which require attention

Ray Richardson said...

Actually, I would not have been all over Steven Rowe on this case. I think there are some details that did not come out because it was risky for the defense.

Am I an expert on this case? No, but I have spoken to a lot of people in the region about it as well as some of those more directly involved.

Unless there is obvious incompetance, I do not question the verdicts because they are in the hands of a jury and you just never know what a jury will do.

The sentencing, however, is different. That phase is supposed to have some predictability and clarity. We will see.

By the way, you seem to think I don't like Rowe. Not true, Rowe is a good American, he is just a terrible Attorney General.

So, have you told Stephanie which laws matter?

Yes, I think the idling law is dumb and simply a money grab. When they start ticketing it, I am going to do segments on the show about and encourage everyone who gets one to fight it at the Court House.

If the politicians are going to be boneheads, we the people can at least clog things up and make them wish they had not done it.

When enough cops are taken away from important things to go to Court and be present when each ticket case is heard, somebody, somewhere will have their attention gotten.

By the way, Mayor Ed Suslovic is on Monday. We will get some answers on why the heck they did this

Bruce said...

How about headlights on when the wipers are on. Is that a bad one too according to which laws are good by Ray?

As for idling cars. it will be the meter maid police probably doing the ticketing,so it isn't going to take cops away from more serious crimes.

Unlike D A's swasting their time on school nurse reporting issues.

Les Gibson said...

My God, Bruce, your stupidity indeed knows no bounds. Now, you deem yourself to be more knowledgeable and better qualified to be the District Attorney than Stephanie Anderson. It that's the case, get up off your liberal backside and run for office!! But, wait, I think you would need a law degree of some sort for that. Among all your other self-proclaimed qualifications I suppose you have a law degree as well. Imagine my surprise that you would also find fault with someone who has the gumption to place country before self. When our country is faced with a crisis such as the present financial mess, which the blame for can be placed at the feet of Democratic administrations going all the way back to 1975, which one of our presidential candidates made the decision to place the country's intrests first over his own ambition? Well, it certainly wasn't the annoited one, Mr. Obama.
John McCain did what the people of Arizona elected him to do. Go to Washington and help reach a solution to the mortgage meltdown mess that Senator McCain warned was coming back in 2005!!! If this was going to be done correctly, Chris Dobbs, that toad Barnie Franks and a host of other democrats and their cronies would be led out in handcuffs for their mis-deeds which created this mess!
But, being the good liberal that you are, you will once again ignore all the facts and truths of this matter and continue to spout Pelosi and Reids BS talking points.

By the way, if you locked Sarah Palin and the perky one Katie Couric in a room for five minutes I guarantee you Katie wouldn't be the one walking out! To call her a responsible journalist is like expecting Nancy Pelosi to turn down another facelift!
Continue to carry the banner of Facists Liberalism, Bruce, but be aware that fewer and fewer Americans are buying it.

crsjonben said... chats with commrade bruce indicates he has a teaching certificate...back in 1972 it could be purchased for a basement price of $8000 for 4 was the cellar dweller major for all who failed in other majors...oil and water can never mix just like facts and liberals...with whats going on any liberal with any spec of guilt could not hang their didn't start in started in 1964 with lbj and the "great soceity"...even back then when i was working summers and saturdays while in high school...i could not understand the concept of people getting free food and clothes just because the lazy-ass parents weren't working...the crop of oxygen theives were planted by lbj and have grown into a bumper crop of weeds choking out the food our food crop is failing to the point of no return unless we weed the garden...the bail-out is small compared to the social-welfare tab we have each year...funny how that's never put up on any chalkboard for discussion....voter fraud prevails...voter qualifcation does not...that is the silver bullet people...who cares about that muderer ted kennedy...why doesn't the media ask mary jo's family how bad they feel for that hypocritcal fat bastard socialist...yes commrade bruce i have met him...and have worked for many of his neighbors...they feel the same as down to prout's neck in scarboro...falmouth/cumberland foreside...then you'll get an idea of how i was able to meet and work with so many kings and queens of industry...knowing very well i could get close to the fence but never jump over...i am no blue blood for sure...but knew...with hat in hand how to get as much out of them as possible without them knowing it...just gave a little hint of my few experiences in the "trenches"...

Bruce said...

You are one unhappy person with your lot in life it seems. So sorry you are not a blue blood.

Actually 68-72 4years room board tuition at FSC was about 6 k
Pretty good deal.

As I said , some teacher must have really upset you for yout to spew such disdain fro the profession.
I hope you home schooled your kids , so they could grow up as well rounded as you.

Les, the noise from your Harley must be vibrating your brain too much.

Bruce said...

My degree from college required a lot more education/work than my plumbing license. remember we plumbers only have to remember 3 things.
Of course I realize, even cardiac surgeons don't have to study as hard as electricians. Must be difficult learning all those wire colors.
I am sure you probably dazzled the licensing bureau with an amazing score on your test.
I am glad you were able to make money of the blue bloods you despise so much.
As for a wife not meaning as much as a son or daughter. Too bad you had such a bad experience in that area. Your comment about how a judge could end it all makes me wonder.
of course judges can also emacipate kids from their parents too.

Bruce said...

Hey les

Ray are you getting a kick out of this?

No law degree here. I just know that Ray likes to have our elected oficials only work on important things rather than spend time on little issues like idling cars.
I said "maybe" she could have gotten convictions on all the charges if she devoted her time only to important issues.
A caller this morning asked the Mayor the same type of question referring to unsolved murders.

By the way Ray Ted asked what to do when the drive through line was 20 min long. The mayor gave a good answer when he said he usually goes in for quicker service when he sees that the line is long in drive through. Good answer. You two looked pretty foolish trying to di that issue.
Speaking of foolish, Pat lamarch certainly had you tongue tied this morning.

Tina Fey for VP 08

crsjonben said...

commrade bruce...fcs....mmmm....that's farmington state "teachers i correct...?...worse than i're the sad soul... because you want everybody's life to be as miserable as yours evidently...never said you did not care for your wife...i stated if you had children you would look thur a different pair if glasses..your children are your blood...your wife can never be...but possibly your certificate from fcs didn't explain things like this...oop!!!...there's those facts again...

Bruce said...

Unlike you Jenbon i am a happy guy.
No opressed person here. You are the one who is unhappy about the state of things.
Where was your illustrious alma mater by the way?

Les, I am sure Palin could beat up Couric in a closed room fight, but luckily that is not how we pick leaders here in U S of A

crsjonben said...

commrade bruce...i am only unhappy about your people always trying to take away from my i guess it's a yes it was farmington huh? you remember rollie moore and buddy earl...both great guys that taught with my wife for years...played the system to the max and retired at 55...unlike you....i wasn't able to breathe successfully for 4 years without having to work fulltime...after 10 months in texas for military basic/tech training started night school from 70' to 71'...40 hrs plus work week plus 3 night classes per being military on campus wasn't well received...kent state made sure of that..never finished...attempted many times but had my family to take care of so dove into construction with a desire..commrade..not only did i do electrical systems but i built the projects too...made much more building than running cable...i've had more tragedy in my life than 3 lifetimes believe me...but i have a belief to go on and never give up...that is why i have absolutely no compassion for a "boo hoo"...which pretty much describes a lib...oh by the way....that was quite a "broadside-bail-out" you socialists hit the ship of capitalism....but she's still is but a is how you play it...for now i chose to play with my family and all our toys...just got back from a great weekend at mohegan sun...goin back down to see elton john in novemeber...then to florida to universal first of december for a few days...ya...i did work hard i'm enjoying the fruits of my labor until your people take it all away...also love donating to maine college of jude's burn and other worthy about you...?...well headed up back on my polaris ranger to look over my 100 acre woodlot to see if i have any blow downs to work up for firewood....what you doing wothwhile....?...

Bruce said...

You are really something
I knew Roliie. Not well he was a fraternity guy. Not for me

I am sorry you had to work so hard.

By the way The Gop tanked the bailout bill today. You must be happy about that.

I don't boo hoo about nuttin mistah. I am a happy guy.

Compare to you I am just sitting still with so much time on my hands after the meetings of 3 non profit and 1 not for profit boards I am on and the monthly Planning Board meetings I chair ( oh that dastardly zoning stuff)

Just be happy, don't worry so much about the taxes you pay to live in a free and democratic society.

crsjonben said...

commrade bruce...i knew you must have failed math...the dems out number the repubs....they could have done it themselves....planning board the first word out of your mouth "no" every meeting i've ever the way...we live in a republic...not a democratic society...if so...majority rules not special interests...

Bruce said...

My town has an annual town meeting, so I live in a democracy Majority rules too. But a "special interest" is just someone who has been able to get the majority to go along with him, whether it is a referendum or a congressional vote.

Question 1 is an example of a special interest. Is that bad?

You need more ketchup in your diet to help control your anger at society and mellow you out a little more.
As for zoning and this land is my land...
I guess you are in favor of the kingdom buyers posting their land to keep you "sportsmen" out.
After all it is their land.
In the past, we "sportsman" did a lot of walking in the woods, now they can't get far from their ATV or snowmobile it seems. Hence the many posted lands by owners.
You have mentioned your donation to the art museum more than once. is that your attempt to add some blue to your blood?

As for the Dems being in the majority now. Yahoo!!

After Nov we will have the Whitehouse too.
Sure would like to see who the 12 repubs were that were so offended by Pelosi that they voted no.
I am not so convinced that it was a totally bad thing tanking the bill. We will see what comes up thursday for revisions, who knows Michaud may get what he wants in the bill.
Happy Rosh Hashana

crsjonben said...

being left handed...tends to make one more creative...i have always enjoyed the arts...a hobby... and of those majors on a long list of useless degrees one can buy...yes...of course people have the right to post...again commrade bruce it's called "private property" which is not recognized by your people....i have owned 340 acre/90 acre parcels and sold them and now own 112 acres...i have never posted nor have i ever been asked for permission to walk my property...thus..they are tresspassers...there are just as many atv's as hunters as tree huggers that have roamed my land...mmmm....that's right is it possible for you understand that concept...USSR/Cuba/N.Korea...your dreamland for USA to become great with onion imply to be a historian on american government...go back to 1960 with sr...clinton...bush jr..and add up all the dem controlled house vs republican controlled house...administrations vs congress/senate...see how many programs added and how much fed/state/income have grown...last i knew the house truely runs the country..not the pres...but you'll blame a repub pres even though they have a dem controlled hypocritical can you libs not only cry are the wolf eating the camel while it's back is breaking with all the taxes/programs/regulations the socialists have piled on....what a great way to live life...being taxed and regulated into submission...majority...vs special interest groups...are you kidding....sadly you're not...looking thur those socialist glasses...voter apathy is your best friend and use it well...yesterday proved if people actually get off their asses and voted... things happen...oh tht's right too...what about the 90 dems that didn't vote ya...most likely not enough fluff added to the bill....

Bruce said...

being left handed...tends to make one more creative...i have always enjoyed the arts...a hobby... and of those majors on a long...

Didn't work for W

crsjonben said...

bush is a moderate...i am a conservative...he does lean left too much for me....he was a fighter pilot...does take a brain and "gonads" ya have to admit....

Bruce said...

When he showed up for Guard

You must be having a slow day today

me too

crsjonben said...

ya...just watching my stocks going up and down...mostly on fire and ready to crash....if you were in congress...and 99% of your emails and phone calls told you to vote no on the bail-out...would you vote yes like tom allen did as he quoted this morning on about shooting yourself in the head......

Bruce said...

I know this is hard to believe,but sometimes an elected official must decide based on the info that he or she has and not just fom phone calls from constituents that are worried because of the media info they receive. However. It is absolutely our elected officials duty to let us know why they voted the way they did and if they are convincing enough in their explanation we should trust their judgement . If not then we should punish them at the polls.
I believe the bailout is necessary, but not without some consequences for Wall street execs and some consequences for the main street folks who made bad decisions borrowing more money than they could afford to.

crsjonben said...

why did you leave out all the fingerprints all over this mess...corrupt dc gals and guys....they're the ones who should be prosecuted as well...being voted out with a big fat pension and connections doesn't seem too much of a's called accountability....

crsjonben said...

media more often than not directs a politician's vote...they may have some info we don't and vice-a-versa...regardless...they are suppose to listen to the masses...that's why i say special interests have a louder voice...gun control...endangered death penalty...illegal immigration... etc...countless articles about how the masses 70-90% against all of these and many more....

Bruce said...

yes special interests like the NRA do have a louder voice.

crsjonben said...

wish it was louder...they have to wait in line...guess const/amend/rights aren't important enough...didn't you grow up in cumberland...graduated from greely....buddy earl i believe graduated in mid 60's...senior moment...can't remember his real first name...think it was gilbert...

Bruce said...

South Portland 67

So you are saying not all special inteests are bad. Only the ones you don't like.

I wonder if anyone pried the gun out of Charlton,Moses Heston's dead hand

crsjonben said...

you must have known billy moulton and juddy bean....yes...special interests based on facts not emotions...there would be no nra if it wasn't for the special interest groups always using baseless scare tactics....

Bruce said...

NRA is a special interest