Thursday, October 23, 2008

Thursday on the Morning Show

Today on the FOX Morning News, Ray and Ted talked about the revelation that the RNC has spent $150,000 on Sarah Palin's campaign wardrobe, something Ray calls a "tone deaf" move.

Also, Shanterra McBride of PLOT (Preparing Leaders of Today) came in to talk about what parents can do to help their kids deal with cyber-bullies.

Interior decorator Kat Powers visited to talk about her FOX23 Halloween special, "Haunted House of Kat," which shows you how to throw a great Halloween bash for kids.

The Maine-based southern rock band Coyote Drifters were in the studio to play a couple of live numbers.

Matin Sheehan, communications director for the Maine Heritage Policy Center was in to talk about the center's new web site, MaineOpenGov.Org.

Ray talks about all these guests and the issues of the day in the audio post below. As always, your responses are welcome in the comments section.


chicadee_us said...

Ray, Sarah Palin's wardrobe at a cost of $150,000 is excessive, but what's done is done. The people behind the scenes for the politicians don't have their heads on straight but you can't fix stupid, right? Or can you? I do wonder, though, how many outfits, shoes and other accessories Sarah got for the $150,000. I am content that no tax payer dollars were spent on Sarah's wardrobe and that the clothing will be donated afterwards. I would much rather focus on the issues at hand than on how much one politician spent on clothing or haircuts. I do understand where you're coming from, though, Ray.

Unknown said...

"Doesn't that guy have a good tan already?" - Ray Richardson

Incredible. I've heard some ignorant things come out of your mouth before, but this takes the cake. Nice defense mechanism in response to the errors of your failing party. Glad to hear that you're feeding the divisiveness on the topic of race in Maine, a state that is 96% white. What an easy joke to make. Try harder next time. You've really showed your true self today Mr. Richardson.

Ray Richardson said...


It was a joke. Don't make everything evil. Sometimes it is just funny.

When we have Scott Lansley or Bill Becker in studio and Ted tells them to powder their heads to kill the glare, on-air, are we being divisive then as well?

Come on, do you think my comments were "covering up" for the wardrobe debacle?

Not everyone is evil or racist. Sometimes you gotta look at the humor.

Sorry you missed it.

By the way, his campaign did pay for haircuts and make-up. Isn't that a little odd?

I think paying for things you would already have to do such as clothing and haircuts is nuts from campaign money.

Maybe you disagree?

Bruce said...

I am sure the poor or homeless will really apprexciate the $1,000 dresses from Saks. They can wear them to the Homeless Shelter Balls.

Ray is right. It was not a smart move by the RNC to pay that kind of money on wardrobe. it made them look bad.
Not that they need anything else to make them look worse than they already are.

Ray Richardson said...


We agree again. I made the homeless comment this morning. Maybe they can wear her $2,500 coat to the shelter for dinner.

Ted then corrected me and said they would auction them off for charity.

This is what happens when you have political handlers. They are not real people, don't know any real people and don't think like real people.

I would have loved to have been there when the guy who thought this up was sitting around saying let's go buy her some clothes.

Bruce said...

“She presents herself as Josephine Six-Pack, and I’ll tell you this, Josephine Six-Pack wouldn’t spend $150,000 on her wardrobe,” said Lesley Jane Seymour, editor-in-chief of More magazine.

It's fun time like this that help us forget all the bad things that happen.
Isn't democracy fun !!

Unknown said...

I care about Obama's campaign footing the bill for his haircuts and makeup as much as I do about McCain's campaign footing the bill for his. I'm sure McCain isn't carrying a coinpurse to pay for his upkeep in appearance. There's a large difference between paying for haircuts and makeup and buying $150,000 in overpriced clothing.

So bald men have gone through the level of hardships that people of color have? Is that the comparison you are trying to make? Come on, Ray.

Humor about someone's race or ethnicity isn't funny. It's cheap humor. Would you say that joke about John Jenkins? Would you say it to his face? Better yet, would you make that joke in the presence of an African American who is a complete stranger?

Ray Richardson said...

The answer is yes, I would and have made such a comment in front of Jenkins. He has known me for a long time and knows my heart.

You guys are all so serious you can't seem to find humor in anything and find evil in everything you do not agree with. Too bad, that is a tough way to live.

While I am no racist, I am clearly insensitive to cultural issues because I think we are all such walking around babies about almost everything.

No, I am not equating the "struggle that bald men feel" with the struggle of American Blacks. I was equating the humor.

Also, I was equally condeming the expenditure of both sides, apparently something you failed to understand or simply dismissed because it did not support your agenda.

Contrary to your assertion, I am not against Obama because he is black. I am against Obama because I do not share his ideas. I do not like his approach to our economy. I think he is a socialist who is seeking to right some perceived wrong that the rich and well-to-do have put on the economically disadvantaged.

I do not believe Barack Obama believes in people. I think he believes that there are those who rule and those who toil.

In his world, those who toil are to be taken care of by those who rule.

I think he is the most divisive person in modern American politics because he does not believe in the average person.

He does not divide us along racial lines. No, it is far worse, he divides us along the lines of who should be told what to do and who should be doing the telling.

If he was actually a Muslim (he is not) was actually born in the Middle East (he was not) I would think he is the anti-Christ.

Since he does not meet the criteria to be such an entity, I think he is the person who finally brings America down, if he also gets a 60 seat majority in the Senate.

That has nothing to do with race and everything to do with his ideas.

Unknown said...

Don't change the course of discussion here, Ray. I never accused you of not supporting Obama because of his race. I accused you of making an easy joke about his race.

If the humor is equal between Ted's bald jokes and your joke about the color of Obama's skin, then why not make a joke like "Sarah Palin's wardrobe cost $150,000? That number is as retarded as her son!"

What? You're offended by that? Why? I wasn't equating the struggle her and her family are going to go through for the rest of his life. I was just equating the humor. Lighten up.

See how your math isn't adding up now? I don't make jokes about things people have no control over. It's an ignorant thing to do.

Also, you'll note that I haven't called you a racist once during this. You're the one who has typed it in both of your responses to me.

But this is the clincher right here:
"If he was actually a Muslim (he is not) was actually born in the Middle East (he was not) I would think he is the anti-Christ."

Now you bring your bigoted views of people who follow Islam into this, when it wasn't even prompted? Amazing.

Ray Richardson said...

You implied I was racist with your remark. That was pretty clear.

The anti-Christ remark would only be relevant to you if you followed the Bible and knew the origins of the anti-Christ.

It was also a crack about those who claim Barack Obama is the anti-Christ. Those who make that claim and many are, know absolutely nothing about which they speak. He does not fit the criteria.

No, I am not offended by your wardrobe comment.

It was your attempt to outrage.

My attempt was at humor.

Big difference.

Ray Richardson said...

With regard to your comment, "it is an ingnorant thing to do."

I thought you knew, according to the enlightened liberals of Maine, I am the most ignorant man in Maine. Just read my email.

Bruce said...

have I ever inferred or said that you are generally ignorant?
If so I apologise.

I am sure you are ignorant on some things as we all are.

Now as to coming to the right convictions after you have acquired some knowledge. That is another matter.
There is hope that you may someday come back to the good side of the force.

Now, about Colorado amendment 48..

Unknown said...

You sure like to zig and zag with topics.

I was posing that Palin comment in a "shoe-on-the-other-foot" kind of way. You mean to tell me, if someone made that comment as a joke in regular conversation, you wouldn't take offense?

And why not test out your joke about Obama tomorrow on air? Better yet, try out that joke somewhere like East Oakland, Detroit or Washington D.C. with some of the African-American folks who live in those areas and see how it goes over.

Ray Richardson said...

Actually, I did say it on the air this morning as a part of the tone deaf segment about all our politicians and how all but very few are out-of-touch.

This situation with Palin was nutz.

By the way Brendan, with all sincerity and kidding aside. I was not attempting to intentionally offend you and if I did, I apologize.

I thought it was funny. Maybe it wasn't.

I am not saying I want say something equally offensive going forward, but as I said earlier, I am apparently very insensitive to the cultural issues.

Of course, I know what is in my heart and what I really meant. I know I intended no malice. Obviously, there is no way you could know what my real intentions were.


Maybe I can be like Annikan(spelling) Skywalker and be redeemed just as I pass from the earth.

You know, like Darth Vader revealing his good side at the last moment.

Of course, I guess I have to have a good side buried deep inside of me for that to happen.

What do you think?


Bruce said...

Everyone has capacity for good.

I know there is hope for you.

BTW I have not gotten an answer from the sen and rep i emailed about the assetts issue when calculating ability to pay regarding LIHEAP and maine care for kids.
I will keep at em