Sunday, October 26, 2008

Taking on the King

Ray addresses best-selling author Stephen King's recent comments about Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin.


dubLLtime said...

I generally don't care what celebrities have to say about politics as a whole. This is a good example of that, however I will comment on the post.

I don't see an issue with King saying what he did about Palin, simply because he is indeed just a writer. If he thinks she reminds him of a character in one of his books, then so be it. While to suggest she would usher in armageddon is a little extreme in that I no more believe she is likely to do Obama is the anti-christ, he has every right to feel that way himself. Who cares? It means nothing in the grand scheme of things. I think the "red blooded Americans" you refer to, understand it is just someone's imaginative words...that it really has no bearing whatsoever on Barack Obama's ability or lack there of to run this country or on the policies of either candidate.

I find it kind of funny that Republicans dislike celebrities having and vocalizing their political opinions unless it happens to be the same beliefs they hold. Charlton Heston and Arnold Schwarzenegger come to mind...

As for media bias, I don't doubt it exists, but to suggest it is all liberal is absurd. Fox News Channel is clearly conservatively biased, extremely so, but nobody talks about that. They even make news up to fit their cause, but nobody talks about that...

And you...I actually had to go back and listen to this post again to be sure I had it right, but you actually quote Drudge when you are trying to make an argument for unbiased news coverage? Is that for real?

I am amazed at the extremes both sides go to to promote their side. My sincere hope is that the American public can look through it all and truly see what is going on...what policies will work for us as a nation and vote accordingly. Not get caught up in the stupidity of petty politics and ridiculous and desperate banter being tossed around by all sides.

Bruce said...

Ray is this your once a year, drag Stephen king out piece?
Why do you care so much about what he says? I always just laughed at the absurd things Charleton,Moses, heston you to say.
I can still picture him in the coffin with his cold dead hands wrapped around a gun

Ray Richardson said...

I just call them as I see them.

It appears to me that the car accident did more damage to him than just effecting his mobility.

Why is he afraid of Palin?

Maybe he loves Barack so much because Barack will extract his revenge on all those people who made King's youth miserable.

Ray Richardson said...


you got it wrong.

I would never deny Stephen King the right to make stupid statements.

I am simply following the lead of your side. Whenever a conservative celebrity makes a statement, the left assails him or her.

I just want to make sure that we keep the playing field level.

Bruce said...

Ray said "Why is he afraid of Palin"?
I don't think he is afraid of her. But like most people who love America. You know us real pro America people. We are afraid of what she represents.
Hockey moms dressed by Saks.

Maybe when this election is over the GOP will get to work on reassessing their core values and get back to their roots and dump their affiliation with the people who want a christian theocracy in America.

Bruce said...

Actually i would have compared her more to Flagg in "The Stand"