Wednesday, October 29, 2008

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On Monday, Nov. 3, from 7-8 a.m. on The FOX Morning News, a variety of people will be on in support of Question 1 on the Maine state ballot, the initiative to repeal the beverage tax.


Bruce said...

"Egregious" Nice word Ray
You have been reading george Will

Let's keep the tax onbeverages. It would be nice to get the cost of a can of soda up to the cost of a real juice product. maybe it would get more parents to buy juice instead of soda for their kids. Especially when we know that costs of diabetes meds and treatment in the USA went from 6 billion to 12 billion from 01-07

Vote No on 1 for maines Healthy future


Bruce said...

This morning you did it again. You were saying that it was a people's movement on question1 and that lots of money was coming from the people to various campaigns this year. While it may be true that over 600,00 people have donated less than $100.00 each to Obama campaign last month.
I only found one individual donor to fed up with taxes (according to the PAC list on state website) Every other donation was from corporations with beverage industry at top of list again $650,00 from Coke.
It's fine, but I hope the people of Maine don't think that the beverage industry really cares about them in any way except as a buyer of their product.
Al diamon made an interesting comment on NPR this morning. he said most people would vote yes on 1 to voice their displeasure with our leg and let them know we are unhappy with them and how they are running Augusta. He said those same people for the most part would vote yes on 2 and put their trust in the leg to handle the details.( I know you are not in that category)

Ray Richardson said...

Bruce, my friend, I have grown very fond of you. With that said, I know how you liberals hate facts, but people like me, we live on them.

I was very clear this morning. In fact, I went out of my way to be clear.

I said that a lot of money was flowing into these campaigns. I specifically mentioned Obama, that probably close to 17 to 20 million dollars in the Collins-Allen race when everything is considered and the Maine House and Senate races.

I specifically said that a couple of million dollars had been put into the Yes on One campaign by beverage companies and I assumed this came from profit so that means somebody is making money.

The point was, if things are so dire, where does all the money come from?

By the way, this is a people's movement. I started it on-air the very next morning after the tax increase.

When the beverage folks heard about what I was doing (gathering worker bees for a fight) they called me and asked if I thought this had legs.

I started this fight with the Legislature. It is well-documented and then a group with a much bigger army took over.

The tax must go. The people will vote that way.

The Legislature was and is wrong basically because they lack leadership and vision. They attempt to go for the low hanging fruit because they do not have the character, courage or vision to create real solutions to our issues.

Bruce said...

since you said you started I would call it more of a media driven campaign than a peoples movement. If you hadn't had the advantage of a bully pulpit, you could not have been nearly as effective. And without the beverage money it would have gone nowhere either It will pass i am sure. What it will accomplish,the jury is still out. If the democrats retain the house in maine, I would say you failed.
Bragdon cerainly ha found a home on your show

Ray Richardson said...

I think we would have gotten the signatures. I had over 650 volunteers signed up statewide to get the signatures.

Whether we would have raised sufficient money to have run an effective campaign, that I do not know.

People were and are very angry about the tax. I think we could have definately gotten it on the ballot without the benefit of the beverage folks but I am not certain we could have won it without their finances allowing for an effective campaign to explain why what the Legislature did was wrong.

You are right. I have a bully pulpit which certainly gives me an organizational advantage, but keep in mind, I was a political activist long before I was on the air.

I do not see it as a failure when the Maine House stays Democrat this year. Without a lot of luck, which is probably not in our favor this year, we will not win control.

I never planned to this time. My goal all along has been the Blaine House, Maine House and Maine Senate in 2010.

I believe the path to that goal has already begun.

Bruce said...

You betcha

I am a little more optimistic about question 1. This morning i was at the local breakfast place where there are more 4 wheel drive trucks parked than at a Hummer dealership.
A right wing buddy of mine said he was going to vote no on 1 because he did not want the new taxes.
I kept silent. Unfortunately after about 3 tries, someone else at the table convinced him he was wrong on how he should vote. He was sure a yes vote was going to keep the taxes. This guy has been self employed for over 30 years and is no dummy. I hope ther are a lot of others out their that are confused like he was.
After he finally accepted the facts, he blamed the lawmakers for the wording of the ballot issue.
The n i spoke and told him to call you, since you are the person responsible for crafting this.
Good Job
You said "By the way, this is a people's movement. I started it on-air the very next morning after the tax increase.

When the beverage folks heard about what I was doing (gathering worker bees for a fight) they called me and asked if I thought this had legs.

I started this fight with the Legislature. It is well-documented and then a group with a much bigger army took over.

Four times you used the word "I"
That caller awhile back was right. You use the first person pronoun way to much for a fellow who preaches "we the people"
I know 1 will probably pass.

BTW Do you think Collins asked Big Mac not to come to Maine?

Bruce said...

Ray said "Whether we would have raised sufficient money to have run an effective campaign, that I do not know."

Based on what i saw in the PAC financial disclosure, it is a pretty reasonable assumption that the answer would be no. I saw one individual had made a contributution of $100.00 by October

As for your 2010 hopes. Good Luck

Allen will be our next Gov. Especially if the GOP drag out Woodchuck again.
The only way for the GOP togain ground is to run from people with the social views of a Palin or Woodcock

PS I am sure Rowe is hoping Allen will win next week. And you probably are too.